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I know of a young man who is showing very well right now as he heads into his senior year. I have noticed his mom and dad have started posting on Facebook information about schools talking to him and even some offer information.

This doesn't seem like the wisest move to me.

Anyone have any thoughts on it?
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I wonder how coaches would feel it they knew. I know when my son was offered it was pretty clear that it would be between him and them and not to be shared with other players.
My son told me once (while he was in college) he had no clue what others where getting, it was not something they talked about or anyone's concern.

If this is the way it is these days things have really changed.
Last edited by TPM
I absolutely agree. Some things are just personal. However, I don't necessarily believe the family that posted this info did so with the wrong intent. I would give them the benefit of the doubt that they are just excited and possibly didn't think it through. If my husband or I ever posted that info I would hope a thoughtful friend might point out to me why I might want to delete it. Most schools will know who is interested in you and vice versa, but posting offers online isn't the way to develop or maintain trust with a college program.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Originally posted by AntzDad:
As long as it's factual, I think it would answer some questions for other players/parents. Everyone is dying to know how much baseball money a school has.

Not my concern.

I would not share my job offers nor salary in any public forum...I would not share this either.

I thought it was. Sorry.
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Originally posted by AntzDad:
As long as it's factual, I think it would answer some questions for other players/parents. Everyone is dying to know how much baseball money a school has.

Not my concern.

I would not share my job offers nor salary in any public forum...I would not share this either.

I thought it was. Sorry.

What does asking if a program is fully funded have anything to do with a parent posting their kids offers online?

FWIW, Tom (JBB) and I have known each other for a very, very long time (10 years+ maybe), I have no clue what his sons received in college scholarships, I never asked and he never volunteered that info. And vice versa.

You must have him confused with someone else that's not his style.
Actually it will end up being something the player is going to have to deal with. Coaches do not want people in their programs that go around spouting off their mouths. When you sit down with a coach and you talk business then that is between you, your parents and the coaching staff. I can not imagine any college coach being happy with this. And I can imagine coaches pulling offers or at the least making a phone call to have it stopped.

There is no real reason to post personal information like this other than to brag. And the fact is most of the time the how much he was offered and who was recruiting the player was stretched about as much as the size of the bass caught at the local pond. I can not imagine any college coach would be happy with this. And I would be willing to bet that programs that had not started recruiting this kid yet never will. It reeks of trouble.
I hadn't really thought about what Coach_May mentioned, but it makes sense to me. Probably wouldn't like it if I were the coach either...might breed (and probably signals) trouble now or down the line.

Love the comment about the size of the bass fish...from my experience with parents, absolutely true! Wink

Why is baseball money such a sacred cow?

To me, and I guess others, it just isn't anyone else's business. Nor do I have ANY interest in knowing their scholarship amount either.
Its personal business between the coaches and the family. It's no one's business outside of those people. Players do not even discuss it between themselves. Even players that have played together for 3 or 4 years. My son has no idea who is on no money and who is on money. He doesn't care because its none of his business. And the coaches don't want some kid running around the club house talking about how he is on 80% like this makes him better than someone else. It divides, causes issues that the team and the staff do not want to deal with.

Do you run around your work place showing everyone your pay stub? Do other co-workers do this? Now were talking about a player who has yet to get a hit, yet to record an out, yet to run a single sprint bragging about how much money he has been offered and who is recruiting him. And the parents doing it for him. If I were a college coach I would run from these people as fast as I could. These are not the type of people you want in your program.

If they had half a brain they would get off of FaceBook and shut up real quick. Coaches would give every player a full ride if they could. They don't want to create a divide within their program. The big money, little money and the no money guys. So its simply personal business that you keep to yourself and respect the other persons right to do the same. Or you run your mouth and run yourself right out of the program.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
If they had half a brain they would get off of FaceBook

I think if anyone had half a brain they wouldn't be on facebook.

I'm not looking at it as 'how much did Jimmy get?', I'm looking at it more as 'how much does University give out?' If justbaseball's question in the other thread were answered, I would have no interest, either. I guess what I'm asking here- maybe, it's not the right place- is 'why is how much money a school has available for baseball (any sport) such a secret?'

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