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A kid I know is being heavily recruited by numerous D1 football programs. He just completed his junior season and is undecided on where he will attend. Let's call him John Doe.


In our local paper in the last week, there have been announcements for youth players to attend the "John Doe football skills camp" this summer. Call for more information.


If he accepts money from campers, does he risk eligibility issue based on loss of amateur status?


Secondly, he and his father have the same name. Obviously, the camp is being promoted based on the name of the son. But, if the father accepts the money, and the kid is there as a "volunteer" camp coach, would that create any issues with the NCAA? I'm just guessing on this scenario as a possibility/workaround...


I realize he is not being paid to play football, but didn't know if making money from the sport he plans to play is an issue. Just wondering.

Last edited by Stafford
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