The Husker Power baseball and football workouts have been very similar in the past. They are making some changes now due to personel changes. I don't think they rack their cleans anymore. They do squat jumps or clean jumps instead. They are very focused on scapular stabilization also. Their belief is that strength training makes you a better athlete. The baseball coaches take that extra athleticism and make you a better baseball player. I think in many ways both programs will be similar but usually baseball programs need to be more concerned with shoulder stability.
As far as my thoughts on cleans, I think they are a great lift hip explosion. But are they great for baseball players? I have some concerns with the catching part of the clean. Some people never have any problem with it but some do. So is it worth the potential problems? I tend to stay away from them. I would opt for clean jumps, squat jumps, or maybe DB Snatch instead. A lot of big time baseball schools still do them. Its been 2 seasons since I remember talking to them about it but I think some schools like Rice and Florida St. were using cleans. There were more schools but I can't remember many of them. I know of several all-americans at Nebraska that were doing cleans so it doesn't look like it hurt them.
I know when I write programs for players, I rarely put cleans in the program because most people don't know how to do them. If you don't have an expert to teach them, I would definitely avoid them. The chances for injury increase dramatically.
Basically, I'd say that cleans are great for somethings but you just have to consider the cost to benefit ratio. Is the risk of problems worth the benefits?
I hope this helps some even though I'm not giving a definitive answer.
Mike Griffin
No Excuses Baseball