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Hi Bob, thanks for the reply. 

This is my first coaching at this HS and I will be the assistant varsity, but we really practice I believe with all levels together at least sometimes.  So some practices could have 35-40 kids, some might just have 15-20.  I am the infield and hitting coach for the program.   We will have 4-5 total coaches and yes I am very experienced with a fungo .


try to set up your infield "work" for 30 minutes each day. WORK ON 'range" work. Hit the ball to each infielder "left" then "right" and reverse order. The player always makes an effort to field and throw.

If the fielder makes a bad throw, he goes and pick up the ball. Have several pitchers on the mound when you hit to the 1B. Also for the "bunt defense". You can mix in the OF for practice on ball hit in the "gaps"and throwing to the "cut off".

In the final 10 minutes practice your Double Play. The pitcher's best friend.

Have the infield players run the 40 yd each day and time each player.

A strong defense will win games.


Tagging onto what Bob said, make sure you work on PFP and bunt defense. I see many HS teams lose games because pitchers can’t field their position and players don’t know how to defend a bunt. Another common thread in HS is horrific baserunning. It seems to not be taught anymore. Baserunners need to learn to read the ball off the bat and make their own decisions - not depend on base coaches (who often don’t understand baserunning any better than the players do).

Patrick and Adbono;

a few extra comments

. use a 34" wood fungo for infield. Teach the infielders to play deeper than normal and to "crept" on each pitch. "Quick Feet" eliminate "cement" shoes.

Teach the infielders to "read the bat" and know his pitcher. If your pitcher throws a "sinker" and the hitter swings down "expect a ground ball".

Read the field conditions. Each infielder at home games should rake his position. Take PRIDE!!!!  Respect the game!


You need to do a lot in a little time.

Two players at 10' or less rolling balls to forehand 10 times, without glove and then with glove, 10 balls to back hand alternating lead foot, round of short hops. 5-10 minutes and everybody fields 30-50 balls.  All about technique. Foot position, back position, glove technique, glove to middle for throw transition...

Throwing warm up, short to long toss and back in.

Infield does not hit with OF.  One is practicing while one is having batting practice.

Outfield practice, separate from infield practice.  It's closer to a wide receiver practice. Lots of running catches from hand thrown balls.  Out routes, slants, ...  Stand in front of player by 10'-20' and throw balls to clock positions around the player, can be done by kids.  Working on footwork, turns and sprinting to the ball and catching on the run. Finish with straight fly balls or fun drills/challenges.

Infield practice. Two coaches with two fungos and two buckets of balls, Ground ball to SS, flip to 2B, pretend to throw to first. Second base rotates to short, short to 2b. At the same time, ground ball to 3B, throw to first.  1/2 bucket or more. Reverse it, 2nd to SS on 2B. Rotate 2nd and SS on every play. First to third.

When the buckets run out, fill them up and then SS to first and third to 2nd. Reverse it.  2B to third and 1B to SS on 2nd.

Bunt practice on occasion.

Final part of practice is running plays with everybody on the field.  Relays, throw downs, rundowns, pickoffs, etc.

Somewhere in here, get some bullpens complete and get your catchers some work on the field with the infielders.

Basic practice 2 hours.  Detail work for another 30 minutes to an hour?

A lot of moving parts. Make sure to keep everyone safe.

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