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I realize this is a Baseball site. But, at times like these, one reaches out for prayers from all resources. My husband & father of our 2 grown sons & our best surprise - "2013", needs your prayers.

My 58 year old husband, suffered a stroke earlier Wednesday morning. Got him to the hospital quickly. Underwent a series of procedures that found 80% blockage of a carotid artery.
A very risky surgery was performed immediately. He had one of the best Vascular Surgeon's. The procedure went as well as we could hope for. In fact better than the staff probably thought possible. Next hours and days are critical. Will meet with his Neurologist soon.
Dad is a strong, proud man, who has raised 3 sons of strong character & work ethics. Dad isn't a quiter! 2013 is one tough kid on the mound, but this is tough on him, even though he tries not to let on. His Dad is his hero. Dad got to see him pitch an entire conference game & 1 hitter, and get the W, just a day before.

All prayers or good thoughts would be greatly appreciated from those so inclined. Thank-you.
"Play each game, like it's your last... because, you never know when it might be"
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Originally posted by Shelby:
I realize this is a Baseball site. But, at times like these, one reaches out for prayers from all resources. My husband & father of our 2 grown sons & our best surprise - "2013", needs your prayers.

My 58 year old husband, suffered a stroke earlier Wednesday morning. Got him to the hospital quickly. Underwent a series of procedures that found 80% blockage of a carotid artery.
A very risky surgery was performed immediately. He had one of the best Vascular Surgeon's. The procedure went as well as we could hope for. In fact better than the staff probably thought possible. Next hours and days are critical. Will meet with his Neurologist soon.
Dad is a strong, proud man, who has raised 3 sons of strong character & work ethics. Dad isn't a quiter! 2013 is one tough kid on the mound, but this is tough on him, even though he tries not to let on. His Dad is his hero. Dad got to see him pitch an entire conference game & 1 hitter, and get the W, just a day before.

All prayers or good thoughts would be greatly appreciated from those so inclined. Thank-you.

Update on my husband: *Using the restroom, w/ my assistance. *Continues to feed himself, albeit a bit of a struggle using non-dominant left hand, but doing mostly by himself. *O.T. / Occupational Therapy worked with him today...dazzled them, Sat up on side of bed, rose up with no assistance...or use of bed rails! Stood unassisted while going thru daily hygene regime. Then continued to stand while demonstrating range of motion, exercises, etc. *"Recommended" for the intense inpatient S.T. / Speech Therapy - O.T. Occupational Therapy - P.T. / Physical Therapy program on the 2nd Floor. * 3 from this PT program / team came to evaluate him & his level of rehabilitation. Michael dazzled them too & then some. He showed range of motion, stood up, WALKED the hallways unassisted, climbed the stairs unassisted & turned around & this time after being prompted, he held the handrail as he came back down the stairs unassisted! He then showed them how he could walk backwards in a straight line down the hallway! AND THEY SELECTED HIM FOR THEIR INTENSE TOTAL THERAPY PROGRAM...awaiting a vacancy! Overheard them say - "He's gonna be fun!" Smile

Awesome! Prayers being answered!

**Speech & full use of right hand will be our next challenge that he realizes he needs to be patient about...but with rehab, repetition & time...along with his sense of humor, determination & strong motivated will...coupled with all the love and support of his family and friends!! He is gonna make it back!!! We are so grateful for all of the: texts, emails, calls, visits, care packages, food, flowers, cards, visits, co-parenting in my absence, pitching in and relieving Mike of worries relating to ongoing work projects... It goes on & on! And last, but certainly not least...your prayers!

God is good! We are blessed! Whatever path God is going to lead us down, we can not falter or fail, with his love & grace...and the love and support of family and friends! Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts!
Last edited by Shelby
Originally posted by Shelby:
Originally posted by Shelby:
I realize this is a Baseball site. But, at times like these, one reaches out for prayers from all resources. My husband & father of our 2 grown sons & our best surprise - "2013", needs your prayers.

My 58 year old husband, suffered a stroke earlier Wednesday morning. Got him to the hospital quickly. Underwent a series of procedures that found 80% blockage of a carotid artery.
A very risky surgery was performed immediately. He had one of the best Vascular Surgeon's. The procedure went as well as we could hope for. In fact better than the staff probably thought possible. Next hours and days are critical. Will meet with his Neurologist soon.
Dad is a strong, proud man, who has raised 3 sons of strong character & work ethics. Dad isn't a quiter! 2013 is one tough kid on the mound, but this is tough on him, even though he tries not to let on. His Dad is his hero. Dad got to see him pitch an entire conference game & 1 hitter, and get the W, just a day before.

All prayers or good thoughts would be greatly appreciated from those so inclined. Thank-you.

Update on my husband: *Using the restroom, w/ my assistance. *Continues to feed himself, albeit a bit of a struggle using non-dominant left hand, but doing mostly by himself. *O.T. / Occupational Therapy worked with him today...dazzled them, Sat up on side of bed, rose up with no assistance...or use of bed rails! Stood unassisted while going thru daily hygene regime. Then continued to stand while demonstrating range of motion, exercises, etc. *"Recommended" for the intense inpatient S.T. / Speech Therapy - O.T. Occupational Therapy - P.T. / Physical Therapy program on the 2nd Floor. * 3 from this PT program / team came to evaluate him & his level of rehabilitation. Michael dazzled them too & then some. He showed range of motion, stood up, WALKED the hallways unassisted, climbed the stairs unassisted & turned around & this time after being prompted, he held the handrail as he came back down the stairs unassisted! He then showed them how he could walk backwards in a straight line down the hallway! AND THEY SELECTED HIM FOR THEIR INTENSE TOTAL THERAPY PROGRAM...awaiting a vacancy! Overheard them say - "He's gonna be fun!" Smile

Awesome! Prayers being answered!

**Speech & full use of right hand will be our next challenge that he realizes he needs to be patient about...but with rehab, repetition & time...along with his sense of humor, determination & strong motivated will...coupled with all the love and support of his family and friends!! He is gonna make it back!!! We are so grateful for all of the: texts, emails, calls, visits, care packages, food, flowers, cards, visits, co-parenting in my absence, pitching in and relieving Mike of worries relating to ongoing work projects... It goes on & on! And last, but certainly not least...your prayers!

God is good! We are blessed! Whatever path God is going to lead us down, we can not falter or fail, with his love & grace...and the love and support of family and friends! Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts!

UPDATE ON 2013 Dad: FLYING THRU LEVELS... 4/11/12 -Stroke / Surgery; CICU; NICU; *bypass Intermediate NICU; General Neurology; Qualified & moved to intense inpatient Rehabilitation Therapies Program - 4/17/12! Dad started his OSF rehabilitation THERAPIES program today, that he had staff arguing to let him qualify for. (6:00 am -4:00 pm, with 2 meals & breaks inbetween) It's Bootcamp! Wink Today after he got thru his first two sessions of therapy @ 9:00ish, he & I were sent to go back to his room for a break. But as soon as we got there, he didn't want to take a break, he wanted to keep working, so we walked up the hallway & back to his room. He chose to lay back on his bed & watch Fox News. Asked him if he was tired, he insisted that "No" he wasn't tired! 1 minute later, he was out like a light! Wink Doing well so far. Missed O.T. / Occupational Therapy (daily home / hygene routine) because my car wouldn't start. Spent the night at my parents & my Dad drove me to the Rehab / OSF. Now told by PT / Physical Therapy that because of how well he is doing, he will only likely be here for 7-10 days, and then sent home. From there he will need out-patient therapies. And then continue his way back! Smile ***His new Nurse's name is..."FAITH". Smile Thank-you for your prayers
I don't know you at all.
A few years back, my good cyberspace friend(for awhile), and now just good friend, justbaseball asked the question on this site on whether a cyberfriend could be as good as any friend.
Personally, I think it happens.
While I know your focus and the focus of your family and all the thoughts and prayers coming your way are focused on your husband, I sure would like to acknowledge you.
None of us are standing in your shoes while you support your husband, your family, and your son.
What I read in your posts is a gracious and caring love you express for each.
Amongst all the efforts and support heading toward your husband and his minute by minute progress, it is pretty clear he is supported by one amazing person each minute and each step along the journey.
Shelby, you are a hero to me, and I am sure many. I truly want to acknowledge you for your kindness, coupled with tenacity, to support your husband and family through the process.
cyberfriends can make the difference. You are one who surely is!
Last edited by infielddad
Shelby, you are a hero to me, and I am sure many. I truly want to acknowledge you for your kindness, coupled with tenacity, to support your husband and family through the process.
cyberfriends can make the difference. You are one who surely is!

You are a blessing to your husband and an inspiration.God bless you and your family as you continue progressing to having your husband healthy.
Thank-you for your prayers & support...and for your kind words. But, I am not doing anything truly extraordinary... I am simply continuing to show the love & support to a man I have loved for over 33 years, when he needs my love & support the most. And I couldn't imagine it, any other way. The true heros are my husband, whom has been trapped inside a body who has lost most of its ability to speak, all the while, we know his brain is fully in tact. And then there are our 3 sons, 2 grown with families of there own, whom have each gone to their employers requesting as much work & overtime as possible. With no elaboration necessary, their employers simply said "Done!" We pitch in as a family & do what needs doing. We support each other, are there for each other & pick up the slack as needed. We handle tough times together, with a healthy dose of humor.
There are always loving & giving people in the world, ready to lend an ear or a helping hand, when needed. We are so grateful for those such people, that we have been blessed with in our lives!

My husband graduated the Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, that some had to fight for him to even get to participate in, in one short week. 2 weeks since the stroke...and he got to come home on the 24th, actually a day earlier than scheduled. I pulled a few strings & surprised him! Our children & grandchildren, all there for his homecoming! He is making miraculous strides, and continues to shock the Doctors & staff, with his progress! He is strong & determined! He is a fighter! He won't quit! He is where his boys learned it from.

Thank-you again for your continued prayers! You are an important part of his progress. Every prayer counts! <3

I'm not sure how I missed your request, but I am happy to hear your husband is doing so well. I will be praying for your family: for your husband, your sons, and in particular for you as their caregiver. While I haven't been through what you are facing, our older son went through initial PT and years of speech and occupational therapy as a brain cancer survivor. It's tough stuff, and I was at times overwhelmed by the work and responsibility. Watching him go through it all was the hardest part. Our son continues to do well though, and I am so grateful for all the help and prayers we received during that time. (and prayers we still receive) You are such an upbeat person and seem to have tremendous energy. That is a blessing for your family. I will continue to pray for your family.
*little inside joke w/ the heading...

2nd day home & surprised 2013, by both of us coming to his game. He took a cat nap on the short ride there. 2013 was really happy & excited to see us (him) there. 2013 was brought in as the relief /closer Pitcher. He was packing some heat & was pleased. Pitched last 2 innings, he struck out 5 batters & gave up zero hits, & we won the game! A bit chilly! We were layered & had on thick School hoodies w/ pouch-pockets. It wasn't too bad. Had a great morning, saw his outpatient rehab case manager, had 1st OT /Occupational Therapy evaluation-session. She has evaluated him as only needing 4-6 weeks of twice a week therapy, in coordination with at home assignments. Then saw a PT /Physical Therapist for her assessment. She estimated him in need of only 3 weeks @ twice a week, and rated him 5 out 5, at this point. Already talking like...when he resumes driving & returns to work. Got the Speech Therapist that we wanted (*thank-you OSF Angel...that made a call on his behalf). She will be on vacation thru next week, & we'll continue @ home til then. I realize they must try to be positive, but we / he left feeling very optimistic & hopeful!

I tell him that they will write articles about his recovery. The Dr.'s & staff's mouths literally gasp..."Incredible...Amazing...Unbelievable...Wow!" Just a few that have been overheard! He is extremely motivated! 2013's Dad raised his sons to give 110% percent at everything they do...and he taught them this, by leading by example!
Someone contacted some "In the know -powerful people" on helping him in the paper process... & we were contacted today! So many cards, calls, visits, prepared & purchased food... We are blessed! Prayer Warriors...keep on praying! Thank-you!
Last edited by Shelby

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