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Shelby, I am amazed at your husband as well as yourself and the tireless effort. My Prayres are with you each and every day. A bit of a story about how important you are to your husbands progress.

In January I had a heart attack (bad one and my second). I had immediate heart cath, was in hospital for a week, home for 5 weeks, back to work slow, etc. The end result is yesterday I completed my cardiac rehab am exercise 5 days a week for an hour each, lost 25 pounds (by the way for those of you that feel you ned to lose weight- a heart attack is not a recommened way! Smile ). The reason tell you all this is, a large reason for my success to date is those that I love and love me.

My wife of 25 years was in hospital every day checking my me, while continueing to work and be a mom. during my 5 weeks off she chauffered me around to whatever we did. She was, is, and always will be my rock.

My kids (5 of them 24 to 11)constantly made sure I took my meds, exercised, ate right etc. plus helped my wife with all kinds of things like running younger kids to practices, cooking, cleaning, etc.

My Mom took me 3 days a week to rehab (while I was home, wife working and couldn't drive) for 5 weeks.
I coach a 5th grade girls travel basketball team as well as a 16u (this year) baseball team). my 5th grade girls showed up at my house pregame one day to make sure I was ok and so they could hear me "coach" tehm before the game. Cried my eyes out when they left for game.

I work in a retirement cummunity of 450 residents and 300 plus employees. My immediate boss (vice president) called me 3 times a week to check on me. My CEO called me once a week to check on me. My staff asst director (I am a chef and food director), called me 3 times a week to check on me. I got 53 cards and lettes from residents and staff while i was gone. since I have been back they (pretty much everyone) check on me all the time.

My point to this is, without the love and care I recieved as a patient from those around me, I would not be where I am at present and where I will be in the future healthwise. So to you Shelby and all those that are caring for your husband, WELL DONE!

My eyes are welling up chefmike7777. I am so happy to hear that you are making a full recovery.

You are blessed to have so many people care for you and love you. And I know why this is happening for you. I'm certain you have never been stingy with your love and affection. Am I right?

For all that you have invested lovingly in others you are now perhaps even more lovingly being repaid. Your good behavior, so cherished by others, doesn't cost a dime...just desire. This is how the world should work. The 'Golden Rule' demonstrating all of its glory and merits for you chefmike7777. I'll bet you wouldn't trade your space in life with anyone else in the universe.'ve earned it!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by chefmike7777:
Shelby, I am amazed at your husband as well as yourself and the tireless effort. My Prayres are with you each and every day. A bit of a story about how important you are to your husbands progress.

In January I had a heart attack (bad one and my second). I had immediate heart cath, was in hospital for a week, home for 5 weeks, back to work slow, etc. The end result is yesterday I completed my cardiac rehab am exercise 5 days a week for an hour each, lost 25 pounds (by the way for those of you that feel you ned to lose weight- a heart attack is not a recommened way! Smile ). The reason tell you all this is, a large reason for my success to date is those that I love and love me.

My wife of 25 years was in hospital every day checking my me, while continueing to work and be a mom. during my 5 weeks off she chauffered me around to whatever we did. She was, is, and always will be my rock.

My kids (5 of them 24 to 11)constantly made sure I took my meds, exercised, ate right etc. plus helped my wife with all kinds of things like running younger kids to practices, cooking, cleaning, etc.

My Mom took me 3 days a week to rehab (while I was home, wife working and couldn't drive) for 5 weeks.
I coach a 5th grade girls travel basketball team as well as a 16u (this year) baseball team). my 5th grade girls showed up at my house pregame one day to make sure I was ok and so they could hear me "coach" tehm before the game. Cried my eyes out when they left for game.

I work in a retirement cummunity of 450 residents and 300 plus employees. My immediate boss (vice president) called me 3 times a week to check on me. My CEO called me once a week to check on me. My staff asst director (I am a chef and food director), called me 3 times a week to check on me. I got 53 cards and lettes from residents and staff while i was gone. since I have been back they (pretty much everyone) check on me all the time.

My point to this is, without the love and care I recieved as a patient from those around me, I would not be where I am at present and where I will be in the future healthwise. So to you Shelby and all
those that are caring for your husband, WELL DONE!

Mike -
I am so happy for you and the wonderful progress you've made! And for the well deserved outpouring of support you've had! That's awesome! I will keep you in my prayers. And I thank-you for your kind words & continued prayers for my husband and my family! Smile
Thanks for your kind words. God has been good to me that is for sure. I try to use the Golden Rule as a basis for my life in general. So the moral of that is don't throw at my batter or I will throw at yours! LOL Razz Couldn't help it, I know that was a thread earlier this month.

In all seriousness, I am glad I found this website, it involves 2 of my favorite passions baseball and great folks
Really excited for my husband today & his first official therapy session with his Speech Pathologist ~ Amy! We were both "amazed" with the "awesome" progress with just her evaluation session with my husband, on Tuesday! Then followed by his 2nd actual Physical Therapy session that had originally evaluated him with needing on 3 weeks / twice a week therapy sessions...and they are already saying that he may not require 3 weeks of PT! My husband is very excited & motivated! Praise God! And please continue with your prayers for his recovery. Thank-you! <3
One month ago today... God blessed our lives, by sparring Michael's life. There have been many lessons... *God answers prayers *Miracles are all around us *Angels walk among us *Triumphs & successes can be measured differently than we may of once thought *Awareness of what is important & what is not *We are stronger than we know *Tragedy & illness make others uncomfortable...and one has to learn forgiveness & still be a cheerful giver themselves *The little things in life are what truly matter *Family~Friendship~Faith... *Even when one feels all alone, they are not, for God never forsakes them *People, both shock & amaze us *Kindness comes from unexpected places & needs to be paid forward *Life is a gift & one doesn't often get 2nd chances...but, if one is so fortunate, count your blessings & take advantage of it *Take nothing for granted...

O.M.G. Our God is an awesome God! Just finished with Michael's scheduled PT /Physical Therapy...AND....DRUM-ROLL please...He has completed the Physical Therapy & is being released now from requiring PT! Done w/ PT! In fact, when they tested him, not only did he rate/rank higher than any patient before...he rated/ranked higher than some of their PT Therapists have been able to do! Next will be OT /Occupational Therapy & then ST / Speech Therapy taking the longest required therapy. Praise God! Smile

Thank-you for all your thoughts & prayers!

~ Michelle ("Shelby" 80 yr. old Daddy's nickname for me! )
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(*Sorry if pic won't load...down to mobile internet) Ha!

*Notice Mike's sweatshirt / gag gift..."Mike ~ the Man, the Myth, the Legend!" We always kidded him about being a legend in his own mind, pertaining to his craftsmanship as a Carpenter - Builder! Well...he may not be far off...but, in a different way. Today we met with the lead Dr., of his Stroke Team. He was obviously excited & happy to see Mike. He started off telling him how he was a Celebrity around there, that they are still talking about. Firstly in how successfully he survived the surgery & what the actual risks involved were. He stated that most Surgeons would have refused doing it. Fortunately a renowned Vascular Surgeon agreed & was successful! Secondly, the amazement in his recovery... I used to joke & say they'll write about your case in Medical Journals to discuss at conventions. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if the actually did! Smile But, I wasn't surprised in the latter at all...never tell him what he can't do, what can't be accomplished & he'll relish in proving the ney sayers wrong. With faith, strength & determination, coupled with humor, support of family & friends...anything is possible! I am very proud of you Michael, & love you very much!
Michael & Michelle Jenkins

April 11, 2012... We were given a gift. A precious gift of time, to even more fully & deeply express the love of one, to another. A gift, of the clearer realization, of what is & is not important in one's life. A gift, of the knowledge, that even after all of these years with someone, you can find an even deeper love for someone, than you ever dreamed possible. A gift, in the power of renewed faith... A gift, in learning that you were stronger than you ever knew... And ultimately, out of such a love for another person, that there is nothing that you wouldn't do...wouldn't face...if it meant granting another ~ peace, joy, happiness...for whatever time God grants you with them. Each day is a gift! Never...ever take any of it for granted!"

(Our lives have changed in many ways. Michael's journey back in recovery continues. He has made great strides and adjustments. He is happier, calmer, and more laid back than ever before his Stroke. His faith has grown... But life is good! Thanks again for all the previous kind words and prayers. Haven't been on here much these days. Been kinda busy...but, good busy!) Wink

***BUT...on another positive note, our youngest, our 2013 verbally committed this evening to attend Quincy University & major in Sports Management ...and pitch for the QU HAWKS!!! Smile

Last edited by Shelby

"There are moments in your life, that make you and sets the course of who you're going to be.

Sometimes they're little, subtle moments.

Sometimes, they're big moments you never saw coming.

No one asks for their life to change, but it does. It's what you do afterwards that counts.

That's when you find out who you are."

As some of you know, our family has gone thru some trials these past couple of years. Our 2013 son having been diagnosed after a Football concussion, with having a rare brain malformation, ending direct contact sports, which devastated him. To which it made him focus that much more on his other favorite sport - Baseball. And then the sudden, unexpected serious Stroke, that his Dad & hero had Spring of 2012. And his tough recovery, which he continues & leads our son by his example.
(*Been kinda rough on Mom too & haven't always maybe handled the stresses as well as I had hoped I would be able to. Afraid that I may have offended a couple HSBBW members. I sincerely apologize.)
Then stemming from shoulder instability & overuse, as a P & CF, our son was pitching very well, and then felt his elbow "Pop", rehab for several weeks, unsuccessful. Found a respected & accomplished Ortho Surgeon in the St. Louis area that agreed to perform his Tommy John surgery on the 19th. Wonderful Surgeon & Man, actually calls & texts regularly himself! Unheard of!
But, feeling much better now. His Surgeon is very pleased. And now, his tough post op & rehab has begun, 10-15 mo., 12 mo average. But, knowing our son, and his self-competitive nature, he'll not only make it back, better & stronger as an athlete, but as a man as well. Thanks for your thoughts & prayers now & throughout his journey.

* And on a side note, our son had his Neuro follow up before College. He has been asymptomatic. The Surgeon is writing a letter for sons records & school. NO RESTRICTIONS...NONE! No follow up appointments. Considers his case to be very mild & even removed the "No Direct Contact" tag! And the University that recruited him as a Pitcher, they couldn't have been better about everything!
Update for those that have asked...

My husband suffered a Stroke, 2 years ago today.

We / he has been blessed by the level of his recovery. But, our lives have forever changed. Some good things have come from this though. We all value things differently. We take time to stop & smell the roses more along the way... Hugs & words of affection & praise come much more freely & frequently.

Things are settling down and we are adjusting to the changes in our lives. Hopefully,  I have been able to step up to the plate, and handle things well. I thank those that have immeasurably helped me here on HSBBW!           Our 2013 RHP is rehabbing & recovering well from TJ surgery last July.

All is well. I pray the same for you & your famlies too!

~ Shelby
Last edited by Shelby
Originally Posted by Shelby:
Update for those that have asked...

My husband suffered a Stroke, 2 years ago today.

We / he has been blessed by the level of his recovery. But, our lives have forever changed. Some good things have come from this though. We all value things differently. We take time to stop & smell the roses more along the way... Hugs & words of affection & praise come much more freely & frequently.

Things are settling down and we are adjusting to the changes in our lives. Hopefully,  I have been able to step up to the plate, and handle things well. I thank those they have immeasurably helped me here on HSBBW!           Our 2013 RHP is rehabbing & recovering well from TJ surgery last July.

All is well. I pray the same for you & your famlies too!

~ Shelby

Shelby - my thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family.  I admire your attitude and what you have shared here.  Things obviously do not always go as planned but that does not mean that you cannot still have victory - it just comes in a different form.  You are wise to count your blessings and I have no doubt many, many more are yet to come.  Thanks for sharing and all the best in the future!

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