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I have struggled with adding another tragedy thread here, but this young man really needs your prayer support. Sunday, a junior catcher from LBK-Monterey, Cole Headrick, was injured in a 4-wheeler accident. He is paralyzed from the waist-down. Cole's spinal cord was not severed, but it was severly damaged.

This is not the first time tragedy has struck this family, as Cole lost his father at a very early age to cancer. Please add the Headrick family to your prayer lists.

Thank You - Powe Family
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Here's an update from his mom. He's such a great kid, his spirits are up!!

Cole was moved to the Rehab floor today to room 424. He sat up for 4 hours straight today. Cole will start major rehab activities on Thursday. His spirits are still good. Please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming,We love you all.

Cole has been able to eat for which we are thankful. He is very onery and has been giving the nurses much grief.

Cole told a nurse that he would "get her" and she came in with her stethascope and was listening to his stomach. Cold took his thumb and thumped his belly right by the stethascope. She jumped - ha he said I got you. She handed him her stethascope and said to listen, she took the end of the stethascoped and thumped it. She said "Ha I have boys at home and you can't get me."

He needs some sunglasses - just call him "Hollywood". The nurses gave Cole the new nickname since he is so blessed with friends.

Cole got his "turtle" body cast today to do physical therapy. The therapy does make him tired. He did upper body today and will do lower body soon.

Keep your prayers and thoughts with us. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Last edited by GunEmDown10
Update 05/09/2009
The family recieved a blessing on late Friday as Cole was accepted at the Craig Hospital in Englewood Colorado. Cole and Mom will leave on Tuesday, May 12. Some of Coles' dad's friends got together and are sponsoring a private plane to take them to Colorado. Dr. Reynolds and Jodi Taff RN have volunteered to ride with the family and Cole to Colorado. Cole will travel by ambulance from Covenant Hospital to the Lubbock Intl Airport and then another ambulance will take him to Craig's hospital. Pray for us!

Update 05/10/2009
Cole is struggling with severe nausea and fainting whenever he sits straight up. The hospital staff is working to find the cause. Please pray they can find the cause soon. They also put a filter in Cole's leg to filter out any bloodclots that might travel to his heart or lungs.

While we are in Colorado, some wonderful volunteers have begun the renovations to make our home handicap accessible.

Please continue to pray for Cole and his family. Thanks and GOD Bless to all!!GED10DaD
Last edited by GunEmDown10
May 11, 2009
Cole sat up in a chair, the nausea and fainting is better. Spirits are still good. We leave the hospital at 9:00 by ambulance for the Airport to leave for Englewood. We are ready to see what Craig Hospital offers and Cole is excited about the activities they offer - fishing, water sports, etc. Thank you all for your care and concern and especially to all those that have made this trip happen so quickly. Keep praying for Cole as we start on this new journey. We love you all.

May 13, 2009
The flight was good, arriving at 12:40. Cole and Theresa checked in and the doctors came by-they will have tests and assessments on Wednesday and will start PT on Thursday. On the plane Cole was wanting Jodi (our wonderful volunteer nurse) to hold up a mirror so he could see the mountains. Cole's roommate is from Utah.

Please keep Cole in your thoughts and prayers.
Last edited by GunEmDown10

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