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Being a pitcher's dad I feel your most pitchers are coming back even stronger after surgery. He will be fine and we will all keep are thoughts on his return.

Another player I know used the time to really get a good jump on his academics..he even took some summer courses and now is on top of a 3.4 GPA from a 2.9.

Good Luck!!
Wow...just ran across this thread and want to say a great big THANK YOU for all your kind thoughts. As many of you know, this came out of the blue for my son...and we are all pretty shaken by it. BUT...we were lucky enough to get our son hooked up with one of the best orthopedic surgeons specializing in Tommy John surgery in the country, and got him in very quickly. We fly to Birmingham, AL on Tuesday. We are trying to look at the "positives" of this situation and now realize that an extra year might allow him to double-major, play an extra year in the new ball park, play an extra year under a new coaching staff that he truly respects, and come back healthier and better than ever. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers..they mean alot! -- Kathy
Just wanted to let everyone know that surgery was performed Thursday morning on my son, and according to the surgeon....everything looks good. After our experience in Birmingham, I am 100% confident we made the right choice in heading south. I have to tell you....the nurse brought me in to observe the surgery when they were attaching the tendon. Once I got over the initial shock of realizing that my son's elbow was COMPLETELY OPENED for me to see.....I realized what truly amazing things can be done these days thru surgery. Son heads back to school today....a little sorer than he thought he would be....but happy that one hurdle has been accomplished and ready to tackle the next (rehab) head on. Thanks again for all your kind thoughts and prayers.
Smile My daughter had tj surgery August of 04...she threw 3 innings last nite for her first time out after much therapy, and rehab(for life). She's on a pitch count for awhile but so far so good. 6K's and 3 fly popouts but most of all she was confident and overcame the biggest fear of failure. I'm sure there will be ups and downs but seeing her at home on the mound again and smiling with no pain was priceless!

Good luck........your son's got a long road ahead of him but it will be worth it!

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