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Are you talking about a 3-2 program? I have only seen a couple of players try that. I don't know any that actually went on to play D1 baseball. Most that still wanted to play ended up staying at the D3 for another year. 

There are plenty of good D3 4 year engineering colleges around. Rose-Holman comes to mind. Ohio Northern is another very good engineering school. If my son wanted to play baseball in college and wanted to study engineering I would guide him to one of these school if he had the talent to play in D3. Many of the D3's that offer a four year degree are well respected. 

I do not want to be discouraging, good luck.



Thanks for the responses.


Fenway- Thanks for the link. Got it downloaded and reading through it now.


BOF  3-2 program is what we are considering.


BLD Not discouraged at all. Thanks for the input. the player has many different opportunities and we are examining all the different possibilities to make sure we understand what can and cannot happen. He definitely has D3 talent and maybe a good bit more. He has been a bit of a late bloomer physically and an early bloomer academically and so we are trying to reconcile those two talents.


Thanks all,





I have a soft place in my heart for college baseball players that major in engineering.  I know BOF and others do as well. We've lived it.  Feel free to reach out to me and BOF (I know he won't mind) in a Dialog if you have very specific questions about your situation and the delicate balance of college baseball and engineering.  


Of course if they are general questions keep posting here.  Always willing to help out.



Ted once you are really serious then call the NCAA about the specific program(s). They were very helpful when we looked into it. The program my son was looking at was an NAII going to D2. The "2" college (actually he had two options) were both  D1's. We had some family discussions about playing the "2" for two years and taking a red shirt in the "3" program. Of course the coach at the 3 program wanted him for all three years and tried to convince him to play an extra year there, but since my son was getting D1 interest he was thinking the other way around. Needless to say it could have got messy, but he decided in another direction, which was much cleaner and easier. 


CMS also has an option where you can go to Claremont and after 2 years you can transfer to Mudd and get a degree more Engineering Project Management focused. CMS has a new coach (ex Cornell) which should make them more competitive, but playing for CMS and going to Mudd could be daunting for even a really bright kid. 


Good luck and both fenway and I have been through it and have some perspective.

Last edited by BOF

Have had contact from many LAC with 3-2.

I just did not see the point in following up when there
are so many schools where you can start right out in engineering.
Maybe the baseball will work out, maybe not, but we did find a number

of schools where both were feasible.


Also how does one handle this with the coaches ?
Do you tell them you would be leaving when in your prime athletically ?
Are they so used to seniors leaving the team they do not care ?
If you are Jahil Okafor at Duke, then maybe yes, but would not think so for most players.

Certainly one school is cleaner. We will tell the coaches up front what the plan is. One of the coaches actually introduced the idea. I doubt that this is the way we will go but it is a possibility we will explore. Most likely we will pick the best school for both objectives and stick with it. Just figuring it out.


BOF- Great input about contacting the NCAA. Thank you.



Last edited by Ted22

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