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What are some things everyone does before games, and on game day?
I don't have any big things I ALWAYS do.I like to shower about 1 hour before I leave to the game. Other than that, I can't think of something I do before every game. I also shower in between double header. Nah, just kdding.
Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is just a hole in Arizona. -George F. Will
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I do the same thing as catch43 and IR2B im always visualizing bored in class or somthin and before the game i visualize alot. before the game i start listenin to an ipod all the way from the bus ride and during pre game bp it helps me stay focused and block everything else out. I take it out before we warm up cause im not sure what our coach would say but i wish i could cause it really makes me relax and helps me focus
I don't have any big things I ALWAYS do.I like to shower about 1 hour before I leave to the game. Other than that, I can't

For a school game: After classes over run down to gym eat a power bar and have a poland springs water. Go into locker, change into shorts. use the bathroom. play guts ball with my catcher. get dressed. tosses/bp.

Summer: Play baseball with best friend all day game before. next day we chill and play madden until two hours before game time. get dressed and go
Every game before I pitch I always do the same thing. Go from last period and get dressed, head out to the field, put spikes on, run and streach with the team, warm up with the team (only about 60 foot tosses), when the team takes BP when im not hitting I sit on the bench and start visualizing. When we are done BP the other team takes it at which point I take notes on ever hitter on the other team so I will know where to pitch the other kids, then I start to stretch 30 mins before game time, start throwing 20 mins before game time, work out to about 120 feet then back into 60 and then start my warmups. Once I am done with that I go over my notes on the hitters with my catcher then it is game time and we play.
i'll always just put on some music in the car n chill n just try not to think about too much. i'm a pitcher so i don't visualize my swing or anything like that. then, when i'm all full of butterflies, right before the actual game starts and i'm about to go throw my warm-up pitches on the mound, i'll step on the foul line to sort of loosen up the whole superstition thing. that always calms me down Smile
ll always just put on some music in the car n chill n just try not to think about too much. i'm a pitcher so i don't visualize my swing or anything like that. then, when i'm all full of butterflies, right before the actual game starts and i'm about to go throw my warm-up pitches on the mound, i'll step on the foul line to sort of loosen up the whole superstition thing. that always calms me down Smile

"So you know if I drop it then its a hit, the game got it in my grip like a cather's mitt."

tell myself im going to throw a perfect game. tell yourself that and you will utterly dominate.
I have a few.If its an away game I sit in the same seat every time on the bus and listen to my Ipod. Also I go over the scouting reports on hitters and pitchers with my coach. Also I take a shower right before I put on my uniform.New Game=Clean Slate. I always warm up with the same person and do the same warmup routine. Oh and I always give my girlfriend a kiss on both cheeks before heading in the dugout.
Originally posted by QUEENSRYCHE:

Not sure you how play with milk in the stomache..

I watch 8 men out the night before (Jackson's story really gets me motivated to go all out). Then 5-10 minutes before game time the team downs a small shot of pinetar, throw my bag of seeds in my pocket and go kick some ***.
for summer ball, i wake up, shower, eat breakfast and chocolate milk. sit around in an under shirt and baseball pants untill about two hours i have to leave. then i put on the rest of my uniform while listening to music. i try to watch some sort of baseball game recorded or live, then i get in the car and listen to music. i greet my team mates as they get there with certain one liners ir nicknames and we warm up the same way we do. after warm ups, i keep loose and relaxed in the dugout while joking with my team to get pre game jitters out. then gametime and we rock their domes!

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