He hasn't done too shabby since then either!!!

I'll repost a story I put somewhere else on the site:
We were playing in the CABA WS this past summer. The field we played on faces Lake Erie and has a HUGE tree in left, IN PLAY. I don't recall how deep the fence is but I'm guessing 250' - 270' and my son jacked one out, just missing the tree, and down the bank towards the lake. A while later, the opposing coach came up to me and handed me a ball. I was assuming it was a foul ball so I flipped it back to the umpire. The coach came running back over saying
"No, no, no....that's your son's HR ball!" He got the ball back from the umpire and gave it back to me. My son had hit about 15 or so HR over the course of the season and 3 in the WS so it's not like it was his first ever. Besides, I thought it would be a bit pompous to give him HR balls and a good lesson in humility for him so I had never done it before. I wasn't quite sure what to say but responded with
"Thanks. I appreciate it but he doesn't really need it". The coach smiled at me and said
"Any kid this age that can hit the ball THAT far deserves to keep it!"After the season I was cleaning out his bat bag (amazing what you find in those things isn't it???). Anyway, I found the WS HR ball in there and my son had written on it
"CABA WS 2 run HR". So I took it up to his room and put it on his bookshelf beside his other trophies. I'm sure he'll remember that hit for a long time!
Another neat story was that during the championship game of the CABA World Series, the CABA staff was sitting immediately behind me going over the various players and their respective stats to determine the CABA World Series All Tourney Team. My son came up to the plate and I overheard one of them say
"THIS is the kid I was telling you about!" The other one said something like
"I've only seen him play once and he didn't really do anything special". They had no clue I was his dad and was listening in.
Now keep in mind, the field is situated literally on the shore of Lake Erie so the wind was pretty strong and coming basically in his face. He CRUSHED one to left center and it one-hopped and hit the 293' fence. The CF took off as soon as he hit it and they kept him to a triple. The funny thing is the CABA guy that was debating about my son's play all of a sudden said
"That was a SHOT!!! You're right, he's IN!!!"Unfortunately, they got drilled but took second. Not too shabby considering they fought back to get there. They really played their hearts out that week. And to top it all off, my son was THRILLED when he was named to the CABA World Series All Tourney Team.