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Hopefully you are right. From the few times I have seen that kid pitch he has alot of talent and deserves a shot to play wherever he goes.

I didn't mean to offend any of you lhs guys by saying you have no will just be awfully tough and I just wasn't impressed with the coaching staff at LHS the few times that my son's team played them last year. But best of luck, I will be rooting for yall.
careful what you say about the coaching staff!

not sure what the latest on drew is. last i heard he would be able to play at his new school. Howver, Lamar Fan may have later information.

On another note, Ben Walker took at line drive to the side of the face on Saturday. Ben was pitching. It was a very hard shot and he had no chance to react! Just got word that he has three broken bones in his face. As bad as this sounds he is very lucky, it could have been worse. He is a very tough kid and hope he comes back quick.
As I read this thread, it turns the same direction as a lot of these threads seem to. A poster gets chastized for omitting some kids name from the list of top players at Left Bank HS or another poster doesn't mention Little Johnny as a top sophomore to impact this season.

First of all, most posters have only seen 10-15% of all the players in the metroplex max, including HS and summer teams...even fewer underclassmen. Second, most posters are not qualified to feed my dog and pick up my mail when I am out of town, much less evaluate baseball talent (and the ones that are wouldn't post it here anyway)...yet people treat their words on this site like a Constitutional Ammendment.

They are commenting on players they have seen play and they think are pretty good. I don't think anyone who might recruit these players is getting their recruiting tips from this website anyway. If they are, their team probaly sucks.

So why get bent out of shape when your kid or his best friend don't get mentioned? If your kid is good, people with eyes will see that on the field. Personally, if I had a good player, I wouldn't want to see his name here ever. First of all, it might reduce the number of fastballs he sees, and second it opens him up to ridicule he doesn't deserve.

Just my thoughts...chew 'em up...I can take it Cool
my prediction comes from experiance not the lefty transfer from cedar hill. he's good, but ther is alot of of talent. Defense is solid and the sophmore lefty thats been hitting claen-up can hit em out to all parts of the field and it dont matter if he's a lefty or righty.So with that,i still say duncanville easily wins district, and if the transfer from cedar hill pulls it together watch out
I know Martin is still the top team in our district but after watching Lamar compete at the Lake Cities Tourn. I think we might be pretty competitive this season even with the loss of Drew Johnson, our former #1 pitcher. This weekend we used 9 pitchers in 5 games and though we lost 3 games, we only lost those 3 games by a combined 4 runs. We had 2 one run losses and one 2-run loss. Our pitchers really competed well even though we had a lot of sore arms. Maybe Lamar will be okay this season. I now think Lamar will be able to compete for that 3rd or 4th playoff spot.
yeah he played 1st there young, 3 seniors on defense. but you guys played good and had some timely knocks.they have 3 lefties 2 juniors 1 sophmore that can play but all three seem to be struggling. the lefty transfer has pitched well, the next 3 weeks will tell if i'm old and off my rocker, but i still say there going to be tough.but i'll be keeping my eye on u guys.

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