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My son has just started throwing after having to lay off due to some elbow issues. He is in a throwing program designed by his Physcial Therapist. He has throw since October what I am wondering is, is it normal after a layoff to have some moderate pain in the muscle/arm area between your shoulder and elbow after a layoff?
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Leftisright, There normally is some stiffness(soreness) after first day or two but if
it persists after about a week then he needs to be seen by your doctor. There is a
difference between pain and soreness. Normally, soreness or stiffness will go away after
a number of throws==pain will not. Best to be careful and not try to throw through the

Good luck.
Leftisright, My son had elbow trouble this fall and was in a cast for 4 weeks. After starting throwing again he was sore. He went to a camp through and pitched a bunch. During camp he told me it was hurting again and scared me to death. He took several rounds of ibuprofen and continued to throw. Come to find out he was actually just sore not hurting. The place the pain was coming from this time was a normal place to be sore his coach said. After all the intense throwing at camp he is fine now. We all finally came to the conclusion his arm was just out of shape after the injury. Good luck and hope everything turns out well.
There is a major difference between sore and pain. If your son is feeling pain, there is never any circumstance where I wouldn't take my child to a doctor. However, if is is just sore/stiffness, then that is normal. I do have a problem with anyone not ready to throw much then throwing a lot. It is asking for the worse. Currently, some of my former players are getting ready for their college season. They are throwing with me after school since many of them attend schools withing an hour our my high school. I basically get after them to come. I would never want them to enter a season with their arms unprepared to throw. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Thank you for all the info. To be honest I don't think my son really knows the difference from sore to pain in most incidents. I gave him Tylenol last night and asked him to do it today before throwing and for a couple of days to see what that does. Also, when talking to him this morning he said he has been working so hard on getting strong that it might be a combo. of the throwing and the lifting and of course the layoff. I told him he needs to concentrate on form first at this point.

We talked about arm slot and he showed me his motion, low and behold he is bending his elbow (he says it is a bit stiff and I think he is also being a bit overlyprotective). Looking at that I can see why his arm would be sore and I told him to get those mechanics down, use the towel and the mirror. Bending like that is not normal for him and it would be worse in the longrun. I think it is an issue of tweaking those mechanics and if not back to the Dr.

I plan on emailing his coach today and have him watch his mechanics and let me know. Of course being his Mom he will listen more to the coach than me.

Does the above sound right?
Last edited by leftisright
leftisright, I haven't seen your son and so, I usually don't post on injuries and how to diagnose but I will say this, one key component is the sensation of feeling his heartbeat in a given area of the arm. THIS IS NEVER A GOOD THING. You might ask your son if today while not throwing, he had this sensation.
Good news, after advil for 2 days (1 tablet each day before throwing) he is pain free... THANKS must have been preseason tightness and inflammation. After the elbow issue last year I was holding my breath. What is minor to most on this board seemed major around here for a couple of days......

He has been throwing each day since (on a throwing program) and so far everything feels GREAT.......

You all are the best.
All too many kids do too much the first few days of practice--they do not necessarily come in physically ready to work and thus the soreness.

I would also be careful with the "advils" of the world--the body can become dependent upon them and even worse the players , in his mind, feels that he needs them-- in many cases they can mask the soreness and pain--I have seen kids take them before a game , even before any soreness or pain--what is that all about !!!!

A good hot shower sfter a workout can do more good than "advil"--if it is only "soreness" the player will be fine--you can work thru soreness-- you see a doctor with pain

I am with you on this! There have been recent red flags raised about frequent use of advil, as well as other over the counter drugs. Just because you can buy without a prescription does not give license for daily use. Always check with your doctor before self-medicating. Taking a pill is a last resort for me. Over the counter meds CAN be abused and harmful, too!

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