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Prince is a freak. However, that was more entertaining than I expected.

However, CBS gets an F for the game so far. Microphone problems, sound gets loud then soft, sound went out completely during the Bears' second touchdown.

Commercials were very good early then they all turned into ads for CBS shows.

Good Rex better show up this half.
Prince is one of the most talented musicians on the face of this earth. He has never received enough credit for his ability as a natural master of "all" musical instruments. His ability rivals Jimi Hendrix with a guitar and very few could have pulled off that half-time show in the pouring down rain. He's the most, IMHO. peace shep

PS(I would've chosen someone different for the Super Bowl Show though)
Prince is HUGE in Miami, he performs here a lot. It was a good choice, though I had to go out I missed it.

Over 60 percent of the Super Bowl fans are not from Miami, rather, from all over the country. For this reason, IMHO, I believe the Super Bowl selection committee should have considered other candidates for the job. This is not to say I don't feel the talent of Prince and I definitely give him his much deserved props, however, this is the Super Bowl Half-Time Show and 1999 was over a long time back Big Grin JMHO

Shep Cares
You're right TPM Smile I didn't think about the street parties and so-forth. He probably did draw a crowd everywhere he was...very interesting fella, I watched his movie for the first time last summer and the relationship with his unsung hero and father had a huge impact on my feelings about Prince. That was really sad the way his dad went out...especially with all that talent. Glad to see Prince has been allowed by the powers to be, to pursue his dream without someone interferring. peace shep
Prince, game???

Hmmmm,...well if judging by the 15 set up, but empty chairs, placed strategically in front of a semi fuzzy tv,....which stood very close to 6 baseball cages full of college and HS winter league baseball boys hittin' & pitchin' their hearts out,...last night, I'd say Prince was a dud.

Some kids would occasionally glance over at the tv to check out the score,....but other than that, these Kansan boys were all about baseball last night,..God love em'!!!! Big Grin

They made this mom heck-a proud!!!

rz1,....rz,..rz,...rz,......Prince? Really????
Best show ever??? Really?????? ( biiig sigh )
Oh my oh my,.....were gonna have to chat about this!!! Big Grin

P.S. I'm more with o6catcherdad on this one:
I think a south Florida Super Bowl deserves Jimmy Buffett at half time.

Yeahhh babah!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Interersting fact about Prince that many might not be aware of--when he started out nobody wanted him and his talent---he went into a studio and did his thing---played all the instruments and voices and then put out the album---the rest is history

He is a masterful performer, have seen him in concert a few times, and a musical genius

Sure beats todays " music "!!!!
Last edited by TRhit
Originally posted by Holden Caulfield:
Did someone actually write that this was the best half time show ever? Seriously, nothing will ever beat U2's post-9/11 performance in Super Bowl 36.

That would be me

Maybe I overlooked U2 because the game itself succked and I was even rooting for the Colts.

You don't have like Prince he should be respected for his talent and the fact that he performed better in those conditions than both teams.
Last edited by rz1

Just so you know, the folks down here think it was one of the best halftime shows seen and can't stop raving about Prince. Smile For those who were at the game and reporting, said the rain was intense and he pulled it off well considering the circumstances.

Most feel the whole thing was well put together.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
I'm not a Prince fan, but even if I were, I could've done without the visual of the back lighting of him with that weird prong of his guitar located in a suggestive position. Instead of a "wardrobe malfunction", I felt like we got a rather prominent "instrument misplacement".


Very observent. I guess my attention to detail was a little skewed.
I don't know if any of the American Idol contestants were watching last night, but Prince showed how it should be done. I did not know he could play the guitar like that and he had tremendous stage presence. He played an interesting version of All Along the Watchtower that is much slower than previous versions. I was surprised at how well he performed.
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:
U2 was best show ever, but Prince rocked Miami last night. It was a great performance, and his eyeliner didn't even run in the Purple Rain!

Had to have been waterproof!

As far as some of you thinking the game was a bust, the weather was terrible, the field sloppy and wet.
Give the guys a break! Smile

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