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Welcome to the HS Baseball Web!

Congratulations, it sounds like you are doing very well so far, playing varsity as a freshman. It still may be a little early for pro scouts to start taking a look at you, though. They have just finished drafting from the HS seniors (08 grads), and this summer they will be taking closer looks at 09 grads for next June's draft.

In most cases, the process of contacting pro scouts is different from contacting college coaches and fact, it goes in the opposite direction. You don't contact the pro scouts, you go where they will see you play, and then they contact you. Pro scouts will usually see you play at high level showcases or top travel tourneys. It might be a little late for you to start making arrangements to participate in those this summer, but you could do some research and start making contacts for next summer (which is good timing for your year in HS anyway).

Are you familiar with Perfect Game? They are the premier sponsor of this website, and they also offer exposure to pro scouts thru top-level showcases and wood-bat tourneys. They just updated their draft totals on their website today. Of 1,502 players taken in the 2008 Draft, 1,162 have attended Perfect Game events.

Do you play on a summer travel team that attends wood bat tourneys?
Yes, good suggestion by njbb, and there is a schedule of MLB Pro Tryouts for summer 2008 here:

Also, if you are not already on a summer team that is going to high level tourneys, I see that there is an Underclass showcase in August in Connecticut:
...and one in Wilmington, NC:

I believe Underclass would be for younger HS players like you (2010 and 2011 grads). You would have to contact Perfect Game via their website to request an invitation to the showcase.

Last edited by MN-Mom
I noticed on the tryout website that there is a tryout set for next week about 3 hours from my house. My son is a 2009 and is 6'2" 235 and a very good first sacker. Hits with power. Would it be a waste of our time to take him to this or not? He is not real fast on the bases, but I have been told by several that he has alot of potential with the right developemental instruction. Which we are doing right now. I don't expect the miracles of him getting signed, but is it worth it just as an experience to see what he is up against?
equipman, it's not a waste of time at all. The tryout is free of charge, and if nothing else you and your son will see what it takes to compete with the better caliber players out there. Watch how they perform, and how physical they are. You'll be able to figure out how your son compares and what he needs to bring his game, all aspects, to in order to be considered someday.
Unless you are the better guy ,you are wasting your time. You may in fact set a negative impression that is hard to shake.
I go to tryouts all the time with and without my son. I have seen 1 guy signed from a tryout and he was a RHP throwing 95mph. He was never picked up while playing JC for 2 years but he got a shot. Unfortunately he didn't go anywhere.
The guys that are invited to Pro tryouts are the guys that have a decent chance.
There is nothing spectacular about pro camps and in fact can be quite boring. If you are the stud at your position they will show little serious interest in you until you are nearing draft age. It is obvious that most players drop off by the way side so why invest time and money following a young player. The showcases have changed everything so they have become the one stop to shop. As several scouts have told me they hold the tryouts to find that6 1 in a million guy who has slipped through the cracks.
Sook, get on a good travel team that attends the top tourneys such as the WWBA Championship held at the famous East Cobb BB complex in Atlanta each summer. This tournament is loaded with college and pro scouts and there are teams from all over the USA.

Participating in a couple of Perfect Game showcases will get you a pro style evaluation that you can compare your performance with others. The key is getting with the best travel team that will get you playing exposure by being in the top tourneys. Good luck !!
IM a freshman playing varsity ball for my team, just like college scouts, is there a way i can contact pro scouts to tell them about me?

my advice.....not just for baseball but also for on your grades........for baseball there are a lot more college baseball teams than there are pro teams.......

College will allow more time to work on your baseball skills if pro is your goal and more opportunity to work on your life skills and abilities if you turn out to be like 99% of all baseball players who must go pro in something other than baseball..........

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