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What I've seen at my son's tryouts that have been run this way usually means (I may have this out of order but hopefully this will give you an idea of what to expect)
Not a lot of warm up, long toss time as a group - if you take a while to warm up get there early and get your throws in
Batting Practice is usually first and if there are a lot of people use this time to long toss - don't just stand/sit around getting tight. Then
Timed running against others (everyone but pitchers)
Outfielders: Throwing from outfield to infield which they will measure your arm strength/accuracy. Then fungo type fielding practice
Infielders: all infielders will throw from 3rd to 1st to see arm strength, then Fungo type fielding drills
Pitchers 12-15 pitches from mound to measure velocity. Will ask you to throw 4 or 5 FB, your off speed pitch(es) and any others, then finish with FB again
Catchers throwdowns and pop time timing
If they like what they see then after a break they will tell the ones they want to see more of to take the field and they may do a game type scrimmage to see people in action.
Good Luck! Try and stay as loose and warm as possible. If you're a pitcher you have to be ready because they won't give you much time to get ready once youre on the mound.
My son recently tried out for a Premier Baseball team that competes against the Houston Heat throughout the summer. We were surprised to find when we arrived that the tryout started about 15 minutes earlier than advertised. Make sure you get there pretty early with enough time to warm up. And good luck! The Houston Heat, as I'm sure you're aware, has an awesome reputation!

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