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Our local paper ran this article this AM.   Interesting concept that is starting with basketball....thereby targeting the NCAAs piggy bank.  This will be the biggest blast across the NCAA's bow in a long time.   Whether or not it is successful will rely on many things, but competition is never a bad thing.

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Isn’t this what Lavar Ball tried to do last year? The JBA was established as an alternative route for top amateur players to play professionally without having to compete at the college level for no money.

It didn’t work because most kids want to play in March Madness and the premier prospects can pick up a big paycheck playing overseas in front of large crowds.

Maybe a league like this would have a better chance without a loudmouth buffoon at the top.

Last edited by RJM

I like what the G-League is doing. Offering the top HS prospects $250k to come play for them for a year before inevitably being drafted in lieu of going to college. It really doesn't make sense not to do it unless you plan on graduating. But I would assume the only guys being offered this option are guys who know the fat NBA contract will outweigh any degree they'll ever get. I actually never understood why the top 10 or so HS talents even bothered going to college. Go to Europe/Australia and make your money. 

While I have issues with the NCAA is also never saw them as the evil empire they are made out to be. There have always been alternatives to going to college. How many are willing to bet on themselves? 

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