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"Prohormones" means what exactly?

I only know what I have read and that is that there are herbal concoctions that supposedly "boost" testosterone output (dubious) and there are products that are actually a form of steroid that recombines to elevate testosterone levels. Assume you mean the first? I am not a moralizer by any stretch, but, in my opinion, you've got no business messing with any of that stuff. Hard work and sound nutrition will get you where you need to be. Don't cheat yourself.

Not sure why you want to "bulk up," but I think you are on the right track with the long toss. Also, if you are pitching at a college, don't they have a pitching coach to give you a training program? I am reliably informed that pretty much every program has workouts for the asking...

Good luck and let us know how you do.

but, in my opinion, you've got no business messing with any of that stuff. Hard work and sound nutrition will get you where you need to be. Don't cheat yourself.

Honestly it does take time, but with a solid workout program and good nutrition you can put on some muscle and weight or as you say bulk up.

The reason the kid wants to bulk up is that all they ever hear from those controlling the baseball dreams is "you need to get bigger and stronger".
If you have purchased them, I kinda doubt that you are debating it at this point . For anyone else that reads this, I hope that you will just accept that hard work and good nutrition can take you pretty far.

The only thing I would add to this is to know your goals. I read so many young athletes on this site that have some ill-defined "I am gonna get bigger and stronger" (oh, and be a better baseball player), but what they really mean is that they want to be bigger and stronger because they want to look good on the beach.

Nothing wrong with wanting to look good on the beach, or to be a 5-tool shortstop; just be straight with yourself and know why you are training.
Please be advised that no prohormones or even steroids will put weight or muscle on you if there are not an excess of calories. Muscle, tendons, ligaments, and bone are not built from thin air. As was said, hard work that is progressive along with increases in proper food intake will cause your body to become larger and stronger. See if you can get a refund and then go to the grocery store.

Tim Robertson

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