Just letting you guys know that I’m doing a special for everyone who’s bought Prospect and everyone at the HS Baseball Web (which has been a savior for Prospect). You can get copies at cost…I figured it could be a good, affordable holiday present for baseball friends, coaches, etc.
You can go to http://www.prospectmovie.com/prospectholidaypromotion.html
And get copies by using paypal or the regular cc processor which is Miva Merchant through Verisign’s secure network)
It might be a little bit tricky to navigate and the web page is brutal in appearance. (Editing all the Jupiter games so I had to put it together fast!)
The promotion will probably be up for two weeks or so.
I hope no one considers this message as spam (especially since I’m not making anything on it!) It’s meant as a thank you to the people who have supported Prospect and the people at hs baseball web who have been great. Thanks and happy holidays.
Rick Stephenson
PS> If there are any ordering problems with the web page, email me and I’ll try to fix it.
ALSO: I should know Monday or Tuesday when copies of Showcase will be ready…it’s at the lab being replicated now!
Original Post