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If my memory serves me right........they hired some big time coach from the Houston area who has had a VERY successful career in the HS baseball coaching arena down there. I remember something about him moving up here because his wife got in some kind of scandel about some reality TV show and the town blew it way out of proportion and they decided to make a change in scenery.

Not sure what happened with the other coach.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sandy:
Coach Sparks is at Litte Elm now. From what I hear (rumor only- I don't know anything 1st hand) it was a tough fit. Sounds like he was tired of dealing with all the parents complaining.[/QUOTE

LOL, parents complaining. If every HS coach had a nickel for every complaint a parent had.........
For the pay scale a HS coach is on, I commend them for the time and work they put in to their job.
Originally posted by Infield08:
I just read on a local baseball message board that Coach Carpenter is rumored to be a frontrunner for the head coaching position at a new h.s. here in San Antonio. The school opens next year. Is there any possibility of that rumor being true?

I doubt it. He chose the prosper job out of all the numerous offers he had so he could be closer to home from what I understamd.

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