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Why don't they just adopt a no out of area transfer rule for athletics. If there is a reason to go out of their assigned school it should be for anything but.

My son went to the school he is at for their music program. The HS he is at is one of the better ones in the area. The baseball program may be marginally better than at the school he was supposed to go to but that wasn't the reason for his transfer.

Just make the act of transferring very difficult and take it completely out of the hand of individual schools and make it a decision made by the Superintendents office.
Originally posted by Wklink:
Why don't they just adopt a no out of area transfer rule for athletics.

My son went to the school he is at for their music program. The baseball program may be marginally better than at the school he was supposed to go to but that wasn't the reason for his transfer.

Because this is all they have to say. Smile
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Because this is all they have to say. Smile

Correct! All a parent or family has to do is apply to the district and request a transfer due to academics. If a student has played a sport at their previous school, they are not eligible to play varsity at their new school for one year.

This is going to change Ca baseball if it gets approved.
Yes, they do. I have a junior on JV due to the current rule. He applied for an academic transfer and was approved. When he filled out his athletic paperwork it was discovered that he played JV baseball at his previous school (last year) making him ineligible to play V this year. He will have to wait until his senior year to play V. Under this new proposed rule he would have been a starter on V, 27 days ago.
No - if the multi sport player participated in both sports at a previous school, they he/she would have to sit for 30 days for both sports at their new school undr the new propsoal. Caveat: The (current) rule only applies to inter-district transfers.... if a student transfers to a completely different district all together; there are no playing restrictions under the current CIF rules.
Last edited by bballdad2016

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