this past weekend the catcher for the team my son was playing against had a foul tip get him where it hurts, fell to floor then got right up. not sure how the ump found out but the kid was not wearing a cup (apparently never has). was removed from the game and let back in once was put on, 2 innings later got popped again but stayed down for probably 5 minutes because of a combination of a harder hit and not putting on the cup properly (was actually quite scary and ironic at the same time).
I understand that wearing a cup is not that comfortable but its mind boggling that the kid, the coach and the parents would not make sure the kid is wearing one being a catcher. Is this common now? My son when playing 3rd wears one (hates it by the way) and does not wear one when playing center but for gods sake of all positions you would think catcher would be a no brainer. After this incident my sons coach took a poll and it turns out of 20 kids about 4 were wearing cups.