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I orinally posted this as a private message between folks that I talk to on a regular basis- then I thought why not share it with others:

Proud Papa – Sorry this is so long

Hey all – some of you know parts of the story but most don’t know the whole story.

My son is an 09 catcher who is very good but competing with the head Varsity coaches 09 catcher. I will let you guess who gets the playing time. We are 5 games into the season and my son has caught 1 inning but has DHed most of the time.

In truth, the coach’s son should be the DH and let my son catch – he really is that much better. Last night my son was on the bench and was called to pinch hit in the 5th – we were getting blown out to the point of being run ruled. He got up and with a 2-2 count just tried to get rid of a curve ball and ended up being caught by the 1st baseman.

Here is where things get interesting. No one outside the dugout heard it but when my son entered the dugout he used the F-word. The coach heard it and was not pleased and told him they were going to have a chat today. You all don’t know my son but he doesn’t talk like that and I think it just showed his level of frustration. If you all met my son you would say he is a great kid and role model – his actions were very out of character.

We drove home together and he told me what he did and he was absolutely mortified by his own actions. I didn’t need to tell him what he had done wrong, he already knew. I asked him if he was the coach of the team, what would he do. He told me he would run poles until he dropped.

Got to the ballpark early today and he literally ran poles for 45 minutes or more. The assistant coach was there and told him he didn’t need to but my son said “Sir, Yes I Do”. I was up in the car and I could see the assistant coach smiling from ear to ear every time my son made another turn towards the pole.

I finally went down and talked to the assistant and asked him if he could make him stop – I told him he will run till he is sick if you let him. It was right about this time the head coach showed up – evidently the assistant called him and told him what my son was doing. There were still no players at the field. The assistant finally got my son off the field and I had a brief discussion with the (very impressed) head coach.

He told me that he knew how frustrated my son was about playing time and the he would be the starting catcher today. My son went 1 for 3 in a 1-0 loss and was just silky smooth behind the plate – my wife commented “he’s back home again”.

I have a feeling that the next 3 years of HS ball are going to be tough on him because he wont get the opportunities he deserves. But I was so proud of him today – he made a mistake yesterday – took accountability for the mistake and did everything he could of to rectify that mistake – what can I say – I’m seeing a boy becoming a man and I’m down right proud of him.

He is going with a buddy to his lake house tonight for a bit of fishing. Before he left I just looked him square in the eyes and shook his hand – no words spoken but in truth it was volumes.

Thanks for listening to a proud dad!
To our military men, women and families - You are all awesome - that flag is yours and I thank you for the opportunity for giving me the honor of removing my cap prior to every baseball game I see.
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That's a very "real" story Dad and i appreciate you bringing it to us all. The policy on my team is every curse word is one poll per letter and the letter is F is 8 poles (so that'd be 11 for his infraction). The point is the guys who take it, run it out and hold no grudge almost never repeat... the guys who give me an argument or attitude over it; it is usually symptomatic of a breakdown in our relationship. Your boy is in a tough spot but what is really key here is that his relationship with the coach doesn't get stained... things may swing his way (and I'm pulling for him) but it's really important that he stays positive. While he's working his tail off on his catching duties he has to embrace his chance to help the team as a DH... once again i really appreciate this "real" story.
catcher 09.
I know your son is a good catcher.But the coaches son is the better offensive player!!.Here's the deal
If that player stays a catcher he's going pro because of his bat.If he's just a dh(which he should be or a first baseman)he might not get the looks by the scouts.But,there might be a silver lining for your son.Keep on working like he's always done and coach might switch off dh/catching
between the he'll get to play everyday Know though that you have a very good boy and will be a really good man one day

You have every right to be a proud papa. The things our kids do on the baseball field are exciting to watch, but the lessons they learn and the character they develop and display are much more important. I agree that your son is going to have an uphill battle in terms of playing time, but I think he'll make the best of it.

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