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Our dog's name is PeePee, yes PeePee. She was actually our neighbors dog. Her grandaughter, wanted a dog so they told her if she would peepee in the potty they would get her a dog. Well she did and the granddaughter named the dog PeePee. My youngest son would go and visit PeePee everyday and she started following my son home until she no longer went back to her rightful owner. I don't know what we would do without her. She is spoiled rotten by everyone in the family. She is a jack russell terrier and is very hyper, which makes her all the more lovable. She has brought so much joy to our family, I don't know what I would do without her. I am very sorry for everyone's loss of a pet, your posts made me cry a river of tears.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
We have a Corgi. She is very smart and loves people. She is definitely too much of a licker. Someone said that Corgi's are supposed to be good watch dogs but she's the biggest coward I've ever seen.

Other than the hair I would recommend Corgi's for a house dog. Everytime we are gone for any extended period of time I miss her very much.

We have a corgi, too. Pembroke to be specific. He outsmarts us on a daily basis. Knows how to steal food with the best of them. The only thing is, he HATES baseball. If a commercial or game comes on the TV he barks like a maniac and tries to attack it. We can't take him to real ball games either. Once the neighbors across the street were tossing in their backyard. Rudy could not see them but he could hear it. He went nuts. Another time, some kid somewhere was tossing a ball up and hitting it with his metal bat. Nuts again. If my son gets a mitt out in front of him, the barking starts.

In spite of this, he's my heart dog. Sheds too much, barks too much but I love him unconditionally. In fact, I call him my youngest son. I feel your loss Old Slugger. Losing a dog can be like losing a dear family member.
We have a Yellow Lab, Flower. We were given her when she was two just a month after my wife and my step-son moved in with me. That was 13 years ago, we have been together since. Junior has gotten a lot faster and Flower considerably slower. With Junior being a Sophmore, I have sad thoughts of him leaving for college and Flower leaving us to chase baseballs in the Sky at the same time.

He is an only child, it will make for a QUIET house!
we have a black lab...13 years old...the best dog ever!...this dog could play any sport my son wanted to play....but loved baseball the best...about 6 months ago she started to gasp for each breath...started to loose weight...took her to the kept her overnight...went to pick her up the next day and was told she won't ever be a pup again...her heart is failing...she won't be around we wait...some days are better for her than others...i am walking that emotional tight rope right now...should i put her down? she seems fine today...each day i think about it...second guess myself....she is not in pain...most days she lays in the leather chair gazing out the window...she eats...when she deels up to...she still goes outside to take care of business...i will miss kids will miss her...but she has been the best dog ever!
Mine is a 12 year old Black Lab, Cody. She's my duck dog, and this will probably be her last year of hunting as she's really slowing down. Even with her slowing down, she still lives to ride in the boat through the marsh, jump in that very cold water and retrieve all of our ducks...and then come home and sleep in front of the fireplace till it's time to go again. She's been out the last three days. I've had her since she was 4 weeks old.
I am so sorry for your loss.
They are such a special, special part of the family.

We lost our bassethound of 11 years last Spring. Frown
No dog will ever be able to completely fill his big shoes, but this new lil' guy below is doin' his best to try.

New pup in SSMom's house!
I have lost my mind. I admit it. Every last ounce
of common sense left in my right pinky toe was completely over-ruled by my heart when I met this lil' fella.
I ask you? Who gets a new puppy in the dead of winter with 5 inches of snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures?
( I now get the pleasure of shoveling " special " puppy-poop & piddle path areas! Big Grin )

I'm already heavily " in wuv ".
He's an English Bulldog- brindled with a classic diamond patch over his right eye.
A face only a momma could love!

HSBBW friends,.... meet " Tank ".

( AKA: Mr. Piddle Pants, Mr. Woops-he-did-it-Again, Mr. No-No that's NOT yours-GIVE, Mr. Potty OUTSIDE!, Mr. its ok,...we can always get a new couch. Roll Eyes )
Last edited by shortstopmom
SSM-Tank is absolutely adorable. Our family is an english bulldog family and you are in for a wild ride. They have many interesting quirks. You've been warned. Wink

We just had to put down our Petunia the week before Christmas. It was kind of sad and lonely without her this year. My 7 year old is still crying himself to sleep cry.
My last dog was a German Shepherd. She was 9 1/2 years old when shw had a seizure about 4 years ago. I also went to the net to diagnose what was wrong I found some case studies that shwoed every syptom she displayed. Grand mal followed by petit mals. Also a circling movement as she recovered and pressing her head against an object. It was the saddest thing I ever saw.
We never used chemicals on our lawn etc and were surprised that everything pointed to a brain tumour. The vet confirmed that it was a tumour. She said her heart was strong and healthy and that she never felt pain. She was blacked out and said that there was a risk she could have a heart attack. We kept her alive for about a month but the seizures started to get worse and recovery took longer. We decided to put her down wich was the hardest thing we ever did. She was so darn healthy up to then.
I have had a Cocker Spaniel, a Red Bone Hound, a husky and a show Afghan Hound. They were all great dogs.
My Shepherd was loved by our cats and 1 even slept under her chest at night. She would also grab the dog cheeks as she stood over her and lick her face. The poor dog would squirm as the claws dug in. I know she wanted to give her a good nip. I just howlled with laughter.
We have a black lab named "Jeter". It is amazing how quickly a dog becomes a member of a family. Mine is lying beside me right now. He is getting up there in years; I believe he will be 8 next month. We love him and we know he loves us, we could never ask for a better companion. He has been the best dog I have ever owned.

My sister breeds Great Pyrenees and shows them and is beginning to breed Bernese Mountain Dogs as well.

Her recommendation to us is to get a puppy now, or soon. The puppy will learn from our more mature "Jeter" and will likely ease our loss when Jeter finally does leave us.
I'm terribly sorry for your loss and believe me know exactly what you are going through. Labor day weekend our golden (mattingly) was diagnosed with lymphoma. He seemed to be doing okay but in October I got a call at work from my wife that she came home and he was blind and suffering. One of the toughest decisions I ever had to make was to put him to sleep. He was a great dog and a huge part of our family. We still look for him often. It may not be right or may be to soon but we now have a 3 month old golden (Jeter). He will be his own dog and I'm sure we will grow to love him as much as we did Matingly. I guess you can tell I'm a yankee fan but we will never forget the loss of Mattingly. In fact on Christmas day we went and saw Marley and me and if you don't know the ending and we didn't, my wife had to leave the theater it brought back the memories of a decision I wish I never had to make.
Take care.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - named Cooper for HOF. (the ultimate cuddle dog...was bred to keep royalty warm in England and they love to sleep with you)

Golden Retriever - Ben...because my wife would not let us name him Bob after our neighbor....hey my son and I thought is was funny.

Lord only knows what they were bred for...

Both have cost us a fortune...particularly in the travel ball phase.
I'm so glad I've read this post all the way through. I now know I will not be going to the theater to see Marley and Me. I'll definately wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it in the privacy of my own house with a case of tissues!

We also have a Pembroke Corgi named Bear. He is an absolutely wonderful dog even though he's defective = his ears never stood up. He'll just look like a puppy forever which is ok with me. We also have 2 cats - Keystone (for the park we found his pregnant mother in - long story). He's 14 and was diagnosed with kitty aids. We have to be careful to keep him healthy since his immune system is now compromised.

Last year my daughter brought home a kitten. We had said no more pets and tried to find her a home - with no luck. Since we weren't going to keep her no one would name her. When it became clear to me she was staying I named her PSYCHO - and that she is! She is absolutely nuts and is Bears best friend. Outside they wander around the yard together and inside they have regular 'tag' games through out the house. They wrestle - and she usually wins. Bear will put her whole head in his mouth trying to pin her down. I really think Psycho thinks she's a dog.

I find that it is so much easier to like animals that it is people. They just love us back with no strings attached! The pics of the other pets are great! Thanks for sharing!
Had to give away our Australian Shepherd 'Buddy' to a farm family. He taught himself how to jump/climb our 6 foot privacy fence and got into all sorts of mischeif. He's one athletic son of a gun (many nights I'd come home and pet him and say, "Buddy, If you would have been in centerfield tonight our pitcher would have a one-hitter!")

Now we are down to one cat (I backed over our best cat ever "Stanley"..(He thought he was a dog too. He loved to watch the kids in the neighborhood play catch or bb in the cul de sac). it was a rainy night and I guess he was napping under the van and I ran over him.... man that was a sad day!!!)

And we have a Gecko Lizard that lives in my classroom at school that is 6 years old (when we got him I figured I'd be lucky if he made it one school year)....

My youngest son wants a Corgi... we'll see. We'll make a few trips to the shelter this spring and maybe we'll have us another dog...
I grew up with a poodle, then had two old english sheepdogs (they were short lived, very tough breed). When married, and before kids, we had two golden retrievers who lived long and very happy lives (the older dog was my husband's dog, the younger dog followed everything the older one did, so guess you could say she was the older dog's dog - does that make sense?). They were fantastic dogs and so we became GR people. We grieved for our dogs for a long time and never thought we could replace them. Then our kids (we got the dogs before they arrived on the scene) who had never experienced puppydome, begged for a puppy, so we found an excellent breeder and waited four months for a planned litter to arrive. Our male GR pup "Riley" (name selected upon unanimous family vote after seeing a restaurant with a simliar name), arrived Sept 7 2000. We lost him Sept 8 2008 to lung cancer (diagnosed and passed in about a week's time). I grieve every day (crying now as I type). He was my third and "furry" child. If you are dog people, you know what I am talking about. I don't know how I'll get over his loss. I did not think I could get over the loss of my other two GR, and I hope I can get past this loss, too.
OS - I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel. Our much petted and beloved Cavalier died April 22. I'm all teary eyed now. This breed has heart problems, and that was what got our Darcy. He was 11 1/2, and we still miss him. We had him cremated, and the little container of remains are beside his photo. My husband was home with Darcy when he died. There is comfort in that. I rushed home from work, (my coworkers thought a person died) and held him for a long time. Our friends have an older Chihuahua who had seizures. After much research they found a vet several hours away who treated their baby with chemo. My friend is a nurse and was able to administer at home. It has been several months now, and Tita is much better, but they remain wary. The horror of watching their baby suffer will always be with them. I wish you strength - I know it will be hard for you. It sounds like Lucy and the other furry family members on this thread had led great lives. Please hold on to that.

We got Darcy a companion several years ago. We ended up with the exact opposite in some ways - a rat terrier named Nick. (From our friends above. They also have a small farm and wanted a dog (Nick's mom) to control mice and rats - the cats weren't doing such a hot job. Smile ) He is full of energy, but can turn if off on a dime and curl up with you. Right now he is asleep tucked into the arm of the sofa and a pillow. He likes to sleep on my husband's pillow too. He learned that trick from Darcy.
We have a male Airedale Terier "Kirby" and a female Irish Terrier "Jack". Kirby almost 10 has had many adventures, one comes to mind on a terrific morning when he was 3 years old. I let him out to do his business in the morning, when to his and my surprise he flushed out a deer. The chase was on.. while the deer never got out of second gear Kirby boy was given it all he had. after about 2 miles either the deer decided it was time to go or kirby decided venision was not going to be on the menu, he returned home. I left for work, upon my return Kirby was as stiff as a board. No he didn't die he had strained, probably every muscle in his body he had trying to get catch the deer. For almost 2 weeks we had to physically pick him up and take him outside to do his business.
We have a 3-yr-old yellow lab named Trinity, and an 18-mo-old, 104 lb Rottweiler named Blade.

Blade and I are training for his CD certification. His favorite words are, "Ready to work?" He can look intimidating, but he is the biggest love. He is sneaky, though. If he thinks you want to sit in the recliner, he'll beat you to it, and then smile that "Rottie" smile!

Trinity is my "guard dog". At least for my shoes. Blade will sneak into the closet, snag one of my shoes, and head downstairs to snack. Trinity will go beserk on Blade, and my wife will retrieve the shoe. Any other family member's shoes are eaten. With mine, only the laces get wet. I always set aside some time for my "guard dog" Smile

Do I sound like a proud "Dad" or what? Big Grin
We went to see Marley and Me Christmas Day. My two daughters, husband and myself cried so much I had a headache for two days. There was not a dry eye in the theatre. We have a two year old yellow lab named Harley and we could not wait to get home and love all over him. We had a 6 year old yellow lab two years ago that somehow got sick with acute necrotising pancreatitsis. The vet said this happens sometimes when dogs are fed high fat people food and/or dog treats but was not sure this is what happen to her. She had surgery, came home, thought she would be better,got worse, and had to be put to sleep. It was the most heart breaking thing we have ever done. So.....with big Harley boy here lying on the couch he only gets dog food and dog biscuits from the vet-no matter how much he begs. Animals bring out emotions that you never think you have. Now we have also have two cats that we "adopted" from our shelter that were found after Hurricane Katrina. My son is a senior this year and wants to take Harley to college with him-of course that will never happen and he would not go with us to see Marley and Me just because of the memories he has of our other dog. Such emotions from a kid that acts so "tough" when he is on the mound pitching!!
Puma, am sorry to hear of your loss.

My daughter is away for 10 days, today the 7th day, the longest she has ever left him here at one time. Last week he got into the cat food, and got sick (sensitive stomach). Then the next day after telling everyone here to pick up the cat food before they left and they didn't he had another feast, resulting in bad D. He's been moping and not eating well all week. I figured maybe he was depressed he is very attached to her like a child to their mom. He wasn't sleeping at night either, very restless.
My husband and I had plans to go away today, decided last night to go out for awhile and come home early. Upon opening the door, we were greeted by a dog and a mess, he chewed the entire door frame and tried to chew the paint off the door as well. He ran outside and threw up as well as about 4 walks during the night with diarhea (who cares if I spelled wrong or not Roll Eyes).
My daughter thinks that he just needed to go out because he didn't want to get sick in the house, he's well behaved like that.
We didn't leave him alone today, he had a little bit of rice and he and husband have been sleeping all day.

What a job, have to replace the entire frame and strip the door and repaint.

My cat looks at him as if he thinks he's crazy.

Needless to say we are not happy granddog parents.
Originally posted by good eye:
Originally posted by PGStaff:
We have a Corgi. She is very smart and loves people. She is definitely too much of a licker. Someone said that Corgi's are supposed to be good watch dogs but she's the biggest coward I've ever seen.

Other than the hair I would recommend Corgi's for a house dog. Everytime we are gone for any extended period of time I miss her very much.

We have a corgi, too. Pembroke to be specific. He outsmarts us on a daily basis. Knows how to steal food with the best of them. The only thing is, he HATES baseball. If a commercial or game comes on the TV he barks like a maniac and tries to attack it. We can't take him to real ball games either. Once the neighbors across the street were tossing in their backyard. Rudy could not see them but he could hear it. He went nuts. Another time, some kid somewhere was tossing a ball up and hitting it with his metal bat. Nuts again. If my son gets a mitt out in front of him, the barking starts.

In spite of this, he's my heart dog. Sheds too much, barks too much but I love him unconditionally. In fact, I call him my youngest son. I feel your loss Old Slugger. Losing a dog can be like losing a dear family member.

I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi also, along with 3 cats. Very smart dogs. We call him the cat nanny because he lets me know when they are up to mischief. Big shedders though and food hounds; mine loves to push a s****r ball around the back yard.

My other Corgi passed away 3 years ago right after Christmas and I still miss her very much.
We have two PITBULLS Yes, the dreaded killer Pitbulls!

We rescued one when he was a puppy from a junkyard where he was being beaten, he's 5 years old now. The other one, we bought here in So Cal and is still a puppy at 8 months (He's 90 lbs. though)

The dog rescued from the junkyard (Deuce) is the best dog I have ever owned.

I had two labs, a rotweiler, another pitbull and a Queensland Heeler. Every dog we've had were awesome dogs.

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