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TR, can't speak for this situation but in our case, we have had a "virus" and our system is sending some stuff to a virus vault. So, one message board I belong to won't let me to my pms from that site. I still get the pms via email to let me read and know that they are there. Our site administrator is looking into it and believes it is happening because of a feature called "automatic healing." Again, I don't know if this is the case with you or not.
I had a PM the other day and had the same problem. I read the PM via my email and when I went to the hsbbw link to respond, it said I didn't have access to that area. I generated a "new" PM, fired it off to the sender. noidea
PS: Too high tech for me. I'm still trying to figure out how that little mouse makes that little arrow move all over the screen.
Last edited by Fungo
I have occasionally had someone send a PM to me, then delete it before I had a chance to respond, perhaps because they changed their mind. However, if this seems to be happening repeatedly, it's possible there could be a server problem I need to check into. If anyone observes this happening in the next week or so, please ask the other member whether they deleted the PM. If they did not delete it, let me know at least the date that this happened and if we get a few reports like that, I will ask tech support if they know anything about this.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I have been getting PMs via e-mail and then go to new PMs to reply. If I replied to the e-mail it went to the site and not to the sender. I assume that is hoe it should work ????

Yep ... that way, if the sender wants to keep their EMail address confidential they can. Sounds like it's working correctly.

I don't like to make mine public ... I get very little spam and want to keep it that way.

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