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I hit up in a cage at my high school. i am a frosh and i hit with Soph and Juniors and Seniors. We hit off the tee and then we do flips from about 10 feet away and i have been struggling of late. I feel the need to do good every day but it hasnt been happening. i hit some good shots but most arent that great. I kno it is only winter but my question is, is it a bad thing to want to hit more after i leave, for example today i did not hit so great and as soon as i got in my car to go home i wanted to go up and hit some more to redeem myself, i have been thinking this all night and is this a bad thing or a good thing to think this? or should i just forget it?
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Hi, DJ.

If there's a highly regarded batting instructor in your area, the off-season is a great time to "tune up" your swing. You might consider trading a few hours in the high school cage for a few hours with a first-rate instructor. That way, when you return to the school batting cage on a full-time basis, you'll know that the swing you're spending all those long hours on is as "sweet" as it can be.

Best of luck to you!
Quality over quantity is the key.

Get with an instructor as listed above and have the instructor explain the cause and effect relationship between your mechanics and your results. (There are a ton of great instructors in Illinois, do some research and schedule an appointment) This will help you learn "your swing" and what works for you. Ultimately leading to a more educated approaching to hitting a baseball.

That is awesome to hear that you are hitting as much as you do. That is only going to help you! Keep it up, I wish all guys your age displayed the same work ethic.

Good Luck
Thanks for ur replies. I spend 1 hour with an instructor every other week. He is the best in my area and i like him. I know wat i need to work on when i am not with him i just get frustrated when i dont do as well as i know i can. and i am not trying to compare myself with seniors and juniors, they want me up there with them, i learn from them and i listen to their advice. i probably am not doing anything wrong but trying to hard or not relaxing. everything my instructor has told me looks great so maybe i am just trying to hard.

I hit today and my swing felt good. hit some solid ones and i felt more relaxed up their. My last ball felt the best and i know it would have climbed over the fence. so maybe its just a bad day yesterday, as my instructor told me, everyone has them

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