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FED Rules:

Runner at second - No outs

Batter hits a pop up behind SS and R2 believes it will drop. He starts to run to third without eyeing up the ball. F6 catches the ball and throws to F5 to tag R2. R2 is standing on third when the tag was applied. Now, we know he needed to tag up. Does an appeal need to be made, or because he was tagged prior to tagging up, is he out?
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This is a "live ball" appeal and F5 should state that he/she is appealing the runner leaving early as they apply the tag though it is not required. A verbal statement is not needed as long as everyone understands what is going on.

As a matter of habit I just always ask no matter how obvious just to confirm what they are trying to do...

Edit... nothing more than a simple question when he looks at me... "What?"

Last edited by TX-Ump74
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
It is a bad habit to ask the fielder what he is doing. If it is not clear (to you) that he is appealing R2's failure to retouch 2nd, then make no call unless and until it is clear. If you said to F5: "Are you appealing the runner's failure to tag up?" you have crossed the line and are now coaching.

Ok.. let me clairfy... I would ask in a simple term, as he looks at me I would ask nothing more than "What?" I would never give him any options or tell him what he wanted to do.
As the OP is presented, this is an obvious appeal so just call it. The other case is where the runner is attempting to tag up but leaves slightly early, and there is an attempt for a put out at a following base. In that case it wouldn't be an obvious appeal and you rule on the put out attempt and wait for them to appeal before you rule on whether the runner left early.
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
Suppose the tag of R2 occurred just after he reached the base (it is not clear from the OP). I would need something else to convince me an appeal was being made rather than an ordinary tag attempt of an advancing runner.

I tend to agree. If it's a simple throw to 3B with F5 tagging, it's nothing. If half the field is yelling, "TAG HIM!!!!" and it's obvious the tag was due to such, it would fall under the obvious appeal.
Originally posted by TX-Ump74:
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
It is a bad habit to ask the fielder what he is doing. If it is not clear (to you) that he is appealing R2's failure to retouch 2nd, then make no call unless and until it is clear. If you said to F5: "Are you appealing the runner's failure to tag up?" you have crossed the line and are now coaching.

Ok.. let me clairfy... I would ask in a simple term, as he looks at me I would ask nothing more than "What?" I would never give him any options or tell him what he wanted to do.

So, do you always say "What?" when a runner is tagged on a base? Do what you normally would do if a tag is applied obviously late.

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