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So the kid is getting some interest. A few of the schools are semi local and so there's not a lot of unknowns. There are two that have contacted him and we have visits planned. They would be WVU and Arkansas. Of the two WVU seems pretty interested.

If anyone here has any insight into either place I would love to here it. Facilities, coaches, community, anything helps.


That said the name Arkansas kind of speaks for its self. There are the questions of depth and playing time. Also a little concerned about scholarships being yanked from jr/sr and offered to new recruits. Those are concerns anywhere.

Was really hoping to get some input on WV. I see they are finishing up a 21 million dollar stadium. Hired a coach who's had some success. Listened to some interviews and liked a lot of what he said. But the kid is getting a lot of negative input about the university/city/state.

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We have friends who's son will be up there this fall. Randy Mazy is a Wilhelm disciple and was talked about for the Clemson job but i cannot recall him interviewing. The new WVU facilites will be awesome. Here's a link to an article detailing his playing coaching experience when he was in the mix on the blogs as a potential candidate for the Clemson job:




I can tell you that their RC called my son after one of his games here in Atlanta at a PG event and pretty much offered him the "farm" to consider WVU, at the son was focused on staying close to home or playing down south so he wasnt interested. Good luck to you and your son!

What year does your son graduate?  I've got a little insight on WVU recruiting.  I coach a travel team in Charlotte, NC area and played at a small d2 school in WV and finished up at WVU.  Facilities are doing to be great.  School campus is spread out over the town.  The town is a lot better/newer buildings and such than it was when I went there.  I've been back quite a bit in the last few years watching basketball games.  I've seen their baseball team play some games down south the past couple years.  I'm impressed with what they have going on up there.  Mazey came from TCU as you probably already know but he is from Pennsylvania and has roots in that area.  There are no pro sports in the state so WVU gets a lot of press and is very important to the people of WV. 

We have quite a bit of experience with the Arkansas program.  In summation, it is truly one of the elite programs in the notch stadium, rabid fan base, winning tradition, etc.  


However, be aware that each fall will have somewhere around fifty players competing for thirty five slots.  Also be aware that each time you step on the field at practice or in a game you are competing for next years scholarship.  And the talent level is substantial.  



Originally Posted by My Three Sons:
Thanks all for the replies.

We have quite a bit of experience with the Arkansas program.  In summation, it is truly one of the elite programs in the notch stadium, rabid fan base, winning tradition, etc.  


However, be aware that each fall will have somewhere around fifty players competing for thirty five slots.  Also be aware that each time you step on the field at practice or in a game you are competing for next years scholarship.  And the talent level is substantial.  




They contacted us. The kid can play ball. .491 as a freshman, came up to an OK varsity squad that then went to championship game of semi-state, of which he played a big, big part. .449 as a so while helping take a so-so team to regional finials. 3A first team all state as a sophomore. MaxPreps sophomore All American.


That said that's a lot of pressure to play ball under.

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