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My son attended a PG Pitcher/Catcher indoor showcase three years ago (was a Junior in HS, now playing ball in college). This is a smaller showcase than some of the PG showcase/tourneys and did not include live games of course, since it was indoors, but pitchers faced live batters.

It was a very good experience for my son, giving him a chance to compare himself to some excellent players (including one who was drafted in the 2nd round a few months later). There were scouts present, though obviously in smaller numbers than larger PG events. But these days, with PG planning to display video from all of their events on BaseballWebTV - no matter how many scouts and college coaches attend one of their events, ALL of the MLB teams and colleges will have an opportunity to watch the performances of the players who attend.

If my son (RHP) was still in HS, I would send him to the Pitcher/Catcher Indoor, and to the larger showcase (with game action) in June - two different but complementary opportunities.

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