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My son received a questionaire from LSU this weekend. The head pitching coach was at a showcase my son attended. We're wondering what this means. We are new to this and this letter/questionaire was totally unexpected. Some have said this was just a mass mailing to all the attendees. I'm just looking for some guidance/advice from the experienced folks on this site.

Thanks in advance.
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This site was built on info for you!! Here's a start!

It may be a "mass-mailing", but that's OK...that's a beginning...take a few more steps, follow the "Timeline" your homework...(on coaches, former players, current players, NCAA violations, academics(first & foremost), academic programs, etc, etc, etc... things will develop as warranted.

And remember,"all that glitters is not gold"
Good luck to your son! & have fun!
Last edited by baseballmom
It may not be a mass mailing. It may be the only one that was sent for that particular showcase - no one here can tell that imho. The only one who knows what that means is the coach who sent it. Why not fill the questionaire out, send it in, and call the the pitching coach to find out what his take is on your son. That is much more useful information than trying to divine something from a message board. If he says we sent that to all attendees that will be one answer. If he says we sent it because we like what we saw of your son, then that is an entirely different answer.

While talking to him, ask him what type of attributes your son would have to have to pitch at a school like LSU. Also, ask him for any type of recruiting advice he might have.
If he fills it out and sends it in there are two possible outcomes.

1) it turns out to be legit and the recruiting process is started and he may end up at a really good baseball school

2) it turns out to be a mass mailing and they turn out to not be interested but it works out in the end because while LSU was doing their thing you were doing your thing and contacting other schools

If you don't fill it out and don't sent it in there is only one possible outcome (unless your son is a stud)

1) he never hears from LSU again and he will never play there.

I would rather go with filling it out and seeing what happens.

Better to try something and possibly fail than to do nothing and guarantee failure.
Just fill it out and send it in. They get names from all types of sources. If they are truly interested they will be back in touch with you. And TR is correct. Fill out everyone you get. I would make a copy of the questionaire before I sent it back in. #1 they might send you another one and you want the information to be identical. And the same information LSU wants other schools will want. So it makes it alot easier to fill the rest out. Good Luck
Of course you fill it out. Mine just got one from Stanford. He's a very good student but not at the Stanford level. He may have the talent to play D1 but he certainly hasn't shown he can play at Stanford so far. He probably got the questionnaire because he signed up for the Stanford camp as did who knows how many other players.

You fill it out because you never know how much he is going to improve and making the effort to fill out the questionnaire makes a good impression. Let's say you don't have spectacular results to report. How much better is it going to look if he does have them in a year and they can look back and see just how much progress he's made?

Anyways, hopefully he'll be filling out a lot of them and he'll have the information right in front of him from now on.
For a soph this would be a way to start building a database on him as well as his class the '10' class as a whole. It will give them an idea of who to make sure they follow up on in the future. You will recieve some camp material I would be willing to bet in the future.

On the form Im sure it mentioned what team he played for in the summer. LSU is at every WWBA event as are most if not all D-1 programs. Make sure your son is in a posistion to be seen during the summer. This is the best way to get exposure and show these schools that you are a player that can possibly help them.

LSU signed a player from my sons summer team. They saw him first the summer before his jr year at East Cobb. They then made sure that they saw him play at Jupiter that fall. They came to NC and watched him play one hs game. He verballed shortly after this contact. You can bet if a school like LSU sends a kid a questionaire and they dont return it that they will move on quickly. To them it says the kid is not interested or too lazy to take care of his business.

Schools generate alot of contacts and information on players by sending out these forms. These same players will get camp information sent to them. Dont go on wild goose chases everytime you get camp information from a school thinking that they want you based on this. The best way to see what their interest level is it to put yourself in a posistion to be seen by these schools. Then see if they contact you once they have seen you play.

If they contact you then ask them. "What is your interest level in my son?" "Do you think he can play for you?" There is nothing wrong with asking questions once the situation starts to clear up some. Ive seen people spend a ton of money going to every camp that a college sends them information on. They think that the college is really interested in them or they would have not sent the invitation. There is a difference in a player asked to come to a camp because they have seen you play and they like you. A player they are just wanting to come and write a check. And a player they have interest in and want to use the camp as a way of further evaluating.

Good luck I hope he gets a ton of questionairs then a ton of emails then a ton of options.

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