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After the stated application deadline, your application would be a "late file". Which means your application won't get looked over until everybody else's is processed. Depending on the college and the circumstances of the athlete, the admissions people will look at the application and process it after all the other ones. I would never assume any of this, however. It is always best to check with admissions unless your recruiting coach gives you other specific information.
My son's friend was recruited by a Cal state school 1 week before school started. The coach walked his application through and he was admitted immediately.

With the common application being accepted by so many schools why wouldn't you apply to schools you are interested in and let the baseball "chips" fall where they may? Each school is different and I don't know how many D3 schools would recruit late in the year. Best to check with each school.
You can see articles from this past May and June where high school players signed with D1 programs for this current fall semester (2008).

Schools may show baseball interest after or during your senior season, and those choices will still be available even if you haven't already applied.

I know from experiences with high school players from other sports, that if the coach wants you, they can get you in after the admissions deadline.

My suggestion is to apply to the schools you are interested in if you weren't going to play baseball, plus any baseball schools that have shown real interest in following you at this point. The application is a way of telling the baseball coaches who already know you that you are seriously interested in their school. I wouldn't apply to every school out there.

Applications, even if you use the Common App, are expensive and require fee payments, and often school specific supplemental applications. It does you no harm to apply to many schools, although it's expensive and time consuming (application fees, high school transcript fees, fees for sending test scores, etc.)
To go one step further about the application fees, if you have an idea this early in the stage of maybe 3-4 schools/programs you really like, sometimes the Coach can get the fee waived for you. All you have to do is ask. Sometimes there is a "timeframe" some schools have that if you apply between certain dates, the application is waived. just check out the websites to learn more.

It certainly serves no purpose to go out and start applying to every single school though.

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