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My son is a redshirt freshman and has worked his way into the starting line-up.  I have coached and won 2 high school state championships and never have I been more nervous than I am on any given day my son plays.  I played D1 baseball and should know how to deal with the ups and downs of this game.  But, I seem to do a crappy job of doing so.  Anyone else feel this way or am I just retarded?  By the way, he is having a great season and the pressure of college baseball seems to have zero effect on him.  I guess he's listened to my advice over the years.  Do as I say, not as I do definitely comes into play here. 

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My son is a pitcher in college and every time he gets on the mound, my heart is in my throat.  I've been watching him play baseball since he was 7 and pitch since he was 8.  You'd think I'd be over it by now, but it still feels like every pitch is a life or death situation.  You're not alone.  I still wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!   

Last edited by bballman

Thanks bballman, I was beginning to think that I was the only one that acted like baseball was life and death.  I realize that it's just a game and I continually thank God for two healthy boys that can successfully play this game.  He plays tonight at 6:00 and we cannot make the game.  It's 3 hours away and our other son has a high school varsity game.  I will be watching the video feed and will feel myself jump with every swing.  Not normal. 

Ours is a very big club, and I know of no way to insulate one's self from the anxiety associated with our children's competition. However, I did find some solace by reminding myself that whenever my son was on the mound, he was on the one place on Earth he most wanted to be; regardless of the circumstances. Along with that, I knew that he'd put in a tremendous number of hours preparing himself to be there.


Armed with those thoughts...and a position as far down the baseline as was possible...I did my best to steel myself for whatever took place on the field...with varying degrees of success!  


Congratulations to your son on his success! Meanwhile, you have the empathy of many on this site!

Last edited by Prepster

Yeah, it's definitely nerve wracking!!  Haha.  My son is a junior and I still get that way.  He definitely handles things better than I do.  He gets frustrated when things don't go well, but he's not nervous out on the field like I am in the stands at all.  Don't believe me?  I've got a head full of grey hair to prove it!!  

Originally Posted by Prepster:

However, I did find some solace by reminding myself that whenever my son was on the mound, he was on the one place on Earth he most wanted to be; regardless of the circumstances. 

That is a no doubter.  No matter how things go for my son - good or bad - he's ready to get back out there.  There truly is no where else he'd rather be.

Welcome to the club Overthehill!!  (And I thought I...was the only one ).


Kind of interesting that you bring this up right about now.  My wife and I were talking about this over the past weekend watching our younger son pitch against his older brother's alma mater in a stadium we've been too hundreds of times.


We noticed that we have less anxiety this time around.  Oh, its still there, but there's also a more calm feeling than the first time around.  Why?  Don't really know.  Because I've "matured?"  Because this son seems more 'in control' most of the time?  Because I've listened to the advice on here and I try and smell the roses more?


Just don't know.  Still get nervous.  But not like the first time through.

As many of you know, my daughter is a senior.  So, now it isn't only about how she does each game, it is about her legacy.  I can't hardly stand the pressure of each at bat.  I know that sounds dumb.  Still, I can't help but look.  Right now, she is tied or maybe one back from the national lead in HRs.  She breaks her own single season and career HR school record with each one she hits now.  She is on the verge of the hits record at her school.  (13 short with 12 games left)  She now owns the RBI record and TB record for her school.  She probably has the BB record.  ...  Then, I catch myself and get a chuckle.  She doesn't have a clue about any of this.  LOL!  I have to keep telling myself sit down, shut up and enjoy the moment.  Unlike some of you, this is it for us. 

Originally Posted by justbaseball:



Kind of interesting that you bring this up right about now.  My wife and I were talking about this over the past weekend watching our younger son pitch against his older brother's alma mater in a stadium we've been too hundreds of times.


We noticed that we have less anxiety this time around.

It's got to help calm the nerves when your son's teammates score 9 in the first two innings! Watched some of that game on TV. Hella impressive job on both sides of the ball. 


Oh I feel all your pain . The pitchers dad's at my son's school laugh about it, Whoever son is on the mound is up pacing. we always say it is "his turn". The really sad part is I scour over his stats. and compare to others on the team (no idea why, I cheer and want all those boys to succeed just as much as I want my son to- makes the team a much more fun place to be around when they win!). I create my own stats such as pitches/ inning or strike %. I know those are real stats but not on team website, though I can get the information from that to get what I want. I bet he has no idea what those stats are. LOL.


CoachB25- congrats to your daughter. she is smoking the ball sounds like.

Last edited by chefmike7777

My son is a FR, and has probably experienced most of the possible bad pitfalls out there.  Moved positions 3 times in Fall.  Started the season losing position to RSSoph (whose fielding percentage is in the low 8's, but he hits well).  Everything he hit, when he did get an opportunity, was at somebody so his BA was horrible.  The lineup for the first month and a half (with the exception of three kids) was made by how you did the previous game.  There was tremendous pressure to not only have a good AB, but to actually get a hit.  For example he went 2/3 one game and got the start the next, and a 6-3 and a K got him pulled.  He's gone from coaches loving him to not talking to him for 2 weeks and then loving him again.  It's been a crazy ride, and as absolutely stressful as its been on me (haha) I think it will be good for him in the long run to battle through all of this.  But back to your original question, yes I am living and dying with every swing and ground ball, I just try to never let him know or see that.  He's getting the start today so on pins and needles again...

Through two kids I just keep telling myself it's his/her game. It's all on him. I can only be supportive. I haven't critiqued or provided any tips since high school. I'm just Dad Fan. My kids are the greatest even if they 0-fer.


I will admit to leaning so the tilt of the earth will help a hit fall in. Pushing my foot away from the direction of the foul line has helped some balls hit the chalk. I'm affecting wind currents.

Overthehill, you are not alone! HS (my son is a junior) or college...or even LL...does it matter??.  It doesn't matter.  I pitched D1, too, so I don't know if it helps or hurts (the anxiety) to have the history.  I love when this topic gets posted, because it makes me feel somewhat normal.  I start getting nervous around lunch time when I know he is starting, and it just builds from there.  Don't even think about engaging me in conversation when I get to the field or during the game. It seems so ridiculous, does it not?  Also, I thought it would ease up after he committed (which he did this winter). Not so much riding on each outing, already proven himself, etc. Heck no.  I am as bad as ever.  Next few years are gonna be, as the country song (Eric Church, I think) goes, "Hell on the heart!".  But, I loved the comment above about knowing that there is no place he'd rather be....soooo true.

LOL , it is a large club folks. I got to the point when he was also a position player in HS that I could relax and watch the game, still have not managed it when he pitches. As he is a Freshman 1500 miles away we can't attend every game and although live stats is better than nothing it is very hard on the nerves. I have worn out the mouse hitting the refresh button !

Our house rolls on 0-4 or 3-4 the same way.  Game is tonight at 6.  I feel my stomach grumbling already.  Oldest plays at 6, youngest at 7:30.  Going to be a long night for nutcase dad.  Last week double header started at 2:00.  Youngest played at 7:30.  8 hours of complete misery because I wasn't at any of the three games. 

Originally Posted by Overthehill:

My son is a redshirt freshman and has worked his way into the starting line-up.  I have coached and won 2 high school state championships and never have I been more nervous than I am on any given day my son plays.  I played D1 baseball and should know how to deal with the ups and downs of this game.  But, I seem to do a crappy job of doing so.  Anyone else feel this way or am I just retarded?  By the way, he is having a great season and the pressure of college baseball seems to have zero effect on him.  I guess he's listened to my advice over the years.  Do as I say, not as I do definitely comes into play here. 

As others have posted you are not alone.  You are in a big club.


My son is in his 3rd year of college ball.  First two years at a JuCo and now at a D2 university.  He usually plays 1B though coach sometimes sticks him in RF or LF or 3B or DH or he might be on the bench.


On game day I can be a nervous wreck even though I'm 300 miles away.  First, it's "Is he in the lineup?", then "what position - 1B, DH., RF, LF?"  "Okay, he's in the line up but where?" "Okay, he's batting 3rd."  Thank goodness most home games are available via webcast (video).  Live stats are torture (especially when they are away) since I can't "see" the game.  I hate waiting for the updates.


I'm a lot more calmer at his college games than I was when he played HS ball.  Then I was a nervous wreck, hanging on every pitch when he was at bat.  I guess it's because now any game could be his last.


It was torture when he was at JuCo.  No live stats or video webcast.  Had to wait til he sent a text or the school athletic website was updated the next day.


This year, we've only been to 5 games - one home series and a DH away and it's been a month since we've been to a "live" game.  Thank goodness we're going this weekend.  I need a fix!  LOL!


Like Bballman my hair (what little I have....) is more grey than black.....


Still wouldn't miss it for the world.  I'll miss it when he's done.

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