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A business question - not a personal one - and one that would make a great case study for a Graduate Business School program IMO.

PG - When you screw up - and make a mistake on a kid- do you people ever actually admit to it?

Have you gotten too big and too powerful to do that?

Or do you just bury that screw up - make sure it sees no light - and move on to the next 5 thousand reports and billion showcases and next multimedia event with ESPN?

Now that you have gotten so large - and so reknown - do you really care if you have screwed up - on any player? Does it matter to you - or is it just a blip on the business screen?

I believe your standard line is - "If you see them - you rarely make a mistake".

My question again - When you do make your rare mistake - do you admit it?

Or do you bury it? Do you run away from it?

Do you stand up - regardless of the marketing/business angle - and say - We Blew It?

Or do you run?

Given the monopoly you now have on this whole thing - will admitting to errors that hurt young players be part of your business plan?
Or will you turn your head on the mistakes you have made - that have hurt kids - and stand up and admit it?

Interesting business question IMO.
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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Perfect Game has admitted to making mistakes here on this board - and has made an effort to correct them - see:

On a more general level, I have seen Perfect Game admit that they made mistakes evaluating some of today's major leaguers when they were young - Prince Fielder for one.

I have had my son attend two perfect game events and felt that the ratings were reasonable and fair both for him as well as for numerous other kids that I knew. I also think that they do a better job running a showcase or a tourney than anyone else that I have come in contact with. Other than that, I have no connection to Perfect Game.

My question to you is where are you coming from - what is the underlying problem that you have with Perfect Game? Sounds to me like you have an ax to grind...

Last edited by 08Dad
You know what?

Just not comfortable with the tone in this thread. It is too in your face. I have made mistakes at work and I don't go around the block yapping about it. Jerry is a stand up guy and I also have great respect for itsinthegame.

I am closing the thread and people can pm me if they are upset with the decision.
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