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Bases loaded
Hitter grounds ball to 1st baseman
Ball hits off 1b leg and bounces 10 feet to his left and towards home plate (ball in foul territory)
1b moves forward to pick the ball up - and runs into the 1B coach who did not get out of the way.

The ruling on the field was as follows:
Batter awarded two bases - two runs scored.

I thought the call was wrong - and assumed interference would have been called on the 1b coach - and all runners sent back to their original base.

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Another bad call by an umpire. I would have to see the play to give a definitive answer. Interference could have been called depending on the actions of the coach. The other possibility is to let the play proceed. In other words, the first baseman has to retrieve the ball and go around the coach.

The umpire appears to have made a call as if the ball went out of bounds. That was definitely the wrong call.

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