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When we talk about a batter loading, what is he loading? I always thought the load was a shoulder "thing" but in another thread the poster said his coach was having him load his hips.

Loading the hips would seem to put slack in the core muscles while loading the shoulders would stretch the core muscles and put them in a position to immediately contract allowing the batter to be quicker to the ball (assuming other proper mechanics).

But I'm way more of a pitching guy than a hitting guy so school me on "the load".
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I just wrote an article this weekend for my 12YO team. Of course, we discussed loading w/ them, demo'ed, showed them some MLB clips next to them first. Then gave them the article after practice as a take-home for them and their parents.

When I get home in a couple hours, I'll post it for you.

Just my 2 cents, of course.
Originally posted by Roger Tomas:
When we talk about a batter loading, what is he loading? I always thought the load was a shoulder "thing" but in another thread the poster said his coach was having him load his hips.

Loading the hips would seem to put slack in the core muscles while loading the shoulders would stretch the core muscles and put them in a position to immediately contract allowing the batter to be quicker to the ball (assuming other proper mechanics).


I completely agree with your logic.

The point of the load is to take advantage of the Stretch Shortening Cycle and stretch a muscle (or group of muscles) before you contract it. As a result, loading (or reverse-rotating) the shoulders make sense because it stretches the muscles of the torso and hips before you ask them to pull the shoulders around. If you were to load, or reverse-rotate, your hips before you swing, then you wouldn't do anything useful.

It wouldn't necessarily be bad, but largely useless.
Last edited by thepainguy
In laymans terms the hips load then the shoulders are loaded as the hips shift forward/open into foot plant creating the x factor. The focus should not be on loading the shoulders...Also, segmentation is critical during the unload. Hopefully Swingbuster chimes in here as he does an excellent job of explaining this process in detail.
Last edited by NYdad
Originally posted by NYdad:
In laymans terms the hips load then the shoulders are loaded as the hips shift forward/open into foot plant creating the x factor. The focus should not be on loading the shoulders...Also, segmentation is critical during the unload.

I don't think this is the common definition of loading. Instead, what I think you are describing above is more usually defined as unloading.

I define loading as a preliminary or counter movement that stretches the muscles before they contract (or unload). Examples would be the backswing in a golf swing.

The idea is to take advantage of the Stretch Shortening Cycle (aka Countermovement).
Originally posted by thepainguy:
Originally posted by Roger Tomas:
When we talk about a batter loading, what is he loading? I always thought the load was a shoulder "thing" but in another thread the poster said his coach was having him load his hips.

Loading the hips would seem to put slack in the core muscles while loading the shoulders would stretch the core muscles and put them in a position to immediately contract allowing the batter to be quicker to the ball (assuming other proper mechanics).


I completely agree with your logic.

The point of the load is to take advantage of the Stretch Shortening Cycle and stretch a muscle (or group of muscles) before you contract it. As a result, loading (or reverse-rotating) the shoulders make sense because it stretches the muscles of the torso and hips before you ask them to pull the shoulders around. If you were to load, or reverse-rotate, your hips before you swing, then you wouldn't do anything useful.

It wouldn't necessarily be bad, but largely useless.

I would not use the saying "reverse rotating", as with the hips it is more of a small co*king action and with the shoulders it is much the same.I also don't believe that the hips pull the shoulders around either.
As far as loading either one, the hips are loaded before the swing starts. The shoulders are loaded just after the player starts co*king the bathead.
Pain, What I provided was the sequence...

Furthermore, the emphasis should not be on shoulder load which should occur more natuarally with the hands staying back and finding the ideal launch position during weight shift/uncoiling.

Also, the shoulders don't necessarily counter-rotate, it's more of a stretching action that creates resistance.
Last edited by NYdad
The cue I've tried to use with my son is the load begins in the lower body and rolls it's way up the body.

The unload/uncoil also begins in the lower body and rolls it's way up the body. That has evolved from the attempt to break him of the "shoulder first" approach to uncoiling.

The shoulder load is a tension free tilt around the spine that occurs naturally as the rear arm raises and the top hand's thumb tilts downward while maintaining what becomes the box. It allows the shoulders to remain tension free as the core uncoils, and the hands begin their rotation into the swing plane. That in turn, allows the shoulders to follow the hands into proper shoulder tilt.
Last edited by wayback
Thanks Shep. Feel free to borrow them at will; public domain (for now Wink) Just copy them to your hard drive in case I delete them from my space at some point. And feel free to post a link to my article; I'll try to leave it out there awhile, as it doesn't take up much space.


Oh, BTW, here's the animated version of the pro images in the article:
Loading Sequence

It's on a bit of a long pause because I made it to show to my team and discuss a few seconds at each of the 4 frames.
Last edited by Sandman
Thank you Sandman. The animated version was also very good. So good that I set those clips on my active desktop Smile You should help some of the uneducated hitters out there across the country and write a book with the illustrations included. I would buy several or even help you sell them at bookstores. I could market your hitting beliefs because it is what I believe also. peace shep
Last edited by Shepster

Nice work ! Don't know if you'll find it helpful but with our kids at that age group and below we call the shoulder load the "rock the baby" move to help them from the dreaded bar arm move many were taught in machine pitch and/or needed to perform to swing a bat too heavy for them. This cue helps maintain front arm angle and keeps hands near shoulder.
Loading is method for getting your weight moving before you launch your hips and hands at the baseball. we load the entire hitting block in a linear movement from weight in the middle to weight on the inside of the back foot. if the shoulders rotate too much you will have hand casters and arm bars which will cause too much barrel lag and premature hips (overrotation).

most of the problems in young hitters happens in the stride/or load (whichever you prefer).

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