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Here in Tennessee, private schools are not permitted to give financial aid to varsity athletes unless the aid is based on need. This rule was implemented a few years back after a couple of schools got out of hand in recruiting "too many" athletes by offering full or nearly full scholarships. Yes, some schools find ways to get around this rule.

Is there such a similar rule in Texas? Thanks.
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Originally posted by Nuke:
Many (most) private schools find a way to get around this rule in Texas.

I can speak for one area private school, Trinity Christian Academy in Addison, and I can tell you they do NOT offer aid to athletes to come to TCA for any sport and they do not target athletes as new prospective students. In fact, I have seen really good athletes apply for admission that were not accepted.

There is a very limited amount of need based financial aid available to cover a small percentage of tuition but new students would have to apply to try to obtain the limited aid that is available just like existing students would need to apply for tuition aid. There is no preference given to new students or to athletes.
Last edited by cheapseats
Tx-Husker, you are wrong and nuke is right. Private schools get around it by having rich donors send their kids to that school and then also pay the tuition of several other "student-athletes" who just so happen to be fantastic basketball players who live no where close to the school and could never afford to go to that private school. Husker, surely you haven't forgotten the 4-5 basketball kids at Prestonwood Christian Academy several years ago. How did they come to arrive at that campus?? Several, I believe are still there. Two words, Kenny Troutt, was very nice to the basketball and baseball programs at Prestonwood. All legal I'm sure. PS: I believe PCA is right at 18k per year.
Originally posted by luvtxball:
Tx-Husker, you are wrong and nuke is right. Private schools get around it by having rich donors send their kids to that school and then also pay the tuition of several other "student-athletes" who just so happen to be fantastic basketball players who live no where close to the school and could never afford to go to that private school. Husker, surely you haven't forgotten the 4-5 basketball kids at Prestonwood Christian Academy several years ago. How did they come to arrive at that campus?? Several, I believe are still there. Two words, Kenny Troutt, was very nice to the basketball and baseball programs at Prestonwood. All legal I'm sure. PS: I believe PCA is right at 18k per year.

luvtxball - I don't know all the details of this particular situation but based upon TAPPS section 87 (below) it is a violation of TAPPS rules for a parent to pay the tuition for another student for athletic purposes so I think TAPPS would have been involved if it went down the way you described. However, it could be accomplished via school financial aid programs.

TAPPS Section 87

The following rules apply to all TAPPS member schools in regards to high school students and those entering high school. For those TAPPS member schools which provide educational opportunities prior to high school, these rules extend to students in all grades provided at the TAPPS member school.

B. INDUCEMENT What is not to be included in the solicitation or retention of students is the inducement of students by a member school. The inducement of students by school personnel, school volunteers, parents, or any other third party is a violation of TAPPS rules and may result in the loss of the affected student’s eligibility to participate in TAPPS events. Inducement includes but is not limited to the following:

a. Offer or acceptance of the payment of tuition

b. Offer or acceptance of a reduction in tuition payments (outside of School Financial Aid Programs)
c. Offer or acceptance of board
d. Offer or acceptance of lodging
Section 87 Solicitation of Students
e. Offer or acceptance of transportation
f. Offer or acceptance of a job for a parent or guardian
g. Offer or acceptance of payment for athletic camp registration
h. Offer or acceptance of payment for summer conditioning programs, or conditioning camps
i. Offer or acceptance of cash payments
j. Offer or promise of University or college scholarships
k. Offer or acceptance of free or reduced cost private instruction
l. Offer or acceptance of any other valuable consideration

Last edited by cheapseats
You're wrong lovtxball....cheapseats is correct. In fact, almost everything you posted in your note is incorrect. No one cares tho...they will believe what they want to believe. But rest assured TAPPS would be more than happy to lower the hammer on if anything close to what you said is's simply isn't. probably think the Russians and Cubans killed Kennedy too.
Tx-Husker, I can promise you everything I said is true. It happened two years ago when they were 8th graders. They were so good they had to play jv squads both public and private. They caught a lot of heat for it. Several of those way they could pay that tuition. Several kids left and one in particular ended up at TCA. I never said it was illegal. But it did happen. With your PCA contacts I would think you would be familiar with what occurred there several years ago.
luvtxball, EVERY private school has some number of kids going there that are receiving some degree of need based assistance. There is no one at PCA on "athletic scholarship". I'm certain that's the case at TCA too. And one parent/donor/stranger cannot pay the tuition of another student who is an athlete (or he's ineligible). I'm very familiar with the 8th grade team that was beating up public school JV teams. I think more of those key players from that group are not still at the school than those that remain. But they left for different reasons than you had nothing to do with "catching heat", as you say.
anyone else getting the idea luvtx has a big problem with private school athletics?

let it go luvtx. stories get blown way out of proportion the more times they are told, and clearly by the time this story got to you it had changed alot. you don't have first hand knowledge of the circumstances and therefore you should keep your rumors to yourself.
tx-husk, I never said anything about those kids getting as you say "athletic scholarships" at PCA. My daughter was there two years ago so I did have first hand knowledge. I know they give no athletic scholarships. We knew several of the basketball players very well. That team was the buzz of the school all year long. If you are familiar with that situation, as you say you are, then you know most left because they did not fit in socially and because of the academic workload. I'm not saying it was a good thing or a bad thing. But it did happen. It had everything to do with catching heat.

To what??? I have absolutely no problem with private schools at all. We have many friends whose kids attend private schools. If you would take the time to read this topic you would know its not about liking or disliking private schools. Its about financial aid to varsity athletes. In this case from a parent(allegedly).Furthermore, what??? My wife and I were up there all year volunteering and what not, and I did have first hand knowledge. You need to back off and read this entire post. We still have many friends at PCA and we love the school. If you are going to respond try to make it pertinent to the topic.
Originally posted by what???:
i will go further in saying pca is a shining example of excellence in the private school community in north texas. pca, tca, liberty; all schools that represent tapps very well.

what???- the quote below is from your first ever post on this website
"tx husker- sit tight, maybe a wealthy baseball dad will show up at prestonwood with a whole team, like the basketball team the dad brought in a few years ago. you guys are still living the dream with that team."

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You bash tx-husker and then you comment on the same basketball team I have been referring to in this post. Do you love PCA or do you hate PCA? Is PCA as you say "a shining example of excellence or are they still living the dream."
So we have established PCA has a challenging academic workload, does not offer athletic aid and produces quality athletic teams. News flash...everyone doesn't fit in socially everywhere. We're in violent agreement! And we've also established you're an ex-PCA parent who has an axe to grind. Better call it quits. First rule is to quit digging when you find yourself in a hole.
txhusk, why would I be in a hole for expressing my opinion, where in my four posts did I say or imply that I have an axe to grind. I stated that "we love the school." Your reply posts are ignorant. This particular post is financial aid to varsity athletes. You like to bully people just for stating their opinions and comments. It happened and it continues to happen and thats just my opinion.
luvtx- guilty as charged. i had even thought back of that prior posting and realized it was going to look like i was playing both sides of the coin. the tone in the other thread was different. my point in the other posts was that husker had a problem with the midland transfer, but not the pca transfers.

i officially go on record and say again- transfers are an important part of private school athletics and i not only have no problem with them, i welcome great athletes into private schools. not only does it raise the competition, reputation, and respect of private school athletics; it also gives kids a chance to learn a better way and learn to make better choices in their actions. everyone wins.
I don't think anyone is questioning the merits of private schools. And, I don't pretend to have knowledge of scholarship, aid, etc. My point is in regards to recruiting kids for athletics. I have 2 children in private school in Ft Worth and a close friend who coaches at a private school. Grace Prep, Ft Worth Christian, Prestonwood, Liberty, Lubbock Christian, and I'm sure many others HAVE recruited kids for basketball. They generally play AAU with a kid and then when they reach high school a deal is made for them to attend the private school. I could give you multiple specific names but it's not appropriate on this site. TxHusker -- I'm not throwing rocks at Prestonwood or any other school. I'm just stating a known fact that private schools do recruit athletes. How the finances are handled I have no idea.
or maybe when they reach high school, for a multitude of possible reasons, the parents of the kids decide to move them to private schools.

and another point is it is usually kid to kid or parent to parent "recruiting". the school isn't involved. relationships are developed from the select team and that leads to kids wanting to experience the great things that occur at private schhols, and parents wanting that atmosphere for their kids.
I don't know if people are playing dumb or if they just really don't know. Private schools do recruite they always have and they always will. I know this first hand because my son has had coaches from two differnt private schools attemt to recruite him. They both said money would not be a problem, they could set up
"financial aid". I also know others that have had the same experience.
Last edited by Big Wood
Public schools recruit too. I've seen them recruit private school kids, QBs from Oklahoma, 7th/8th graders before the HS clock kicks in, etc.

There's nothing wrong about a private school's financial inducements that crosses the line. I'm sure there are some private schools that break the inducements rule and offer athletic scholarships, but not all do so don't paint them all with the same "they cheat" brush. So, Big Wood...tell us who does cheat since you have first hand experience.
Last edited by Tx-Husker

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