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Our coach has been around baseball for A LONG time!! You would think he would have a lot of baseball knowledge to pass on to the boys. but he doesn't......the boys practices consist of FUNGO!!!! He doesn't believe in live batting practice. It is obvious by our dead bats in games!! It is so hard, because our district has the "good ol' boys club" of coaches and AD. They are mostly retire/rehire and are here only for the check.

I don't know if I'm asking you a question or just venting my frustration in the whole program!!! Anyone else have this problem???

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You know the saying, "practice makes perfect" and all variations on that theme -- but there are no perfect coaches....therefore no perfect practices. (Ours is close -- he watches this space Big Grin) Seriously, I feel bad for kids that are "stuck" with coaches that have no passion for the game. I mentioned in a post last week that coaching HS sports has to be one of the toughest jobs around --- ok, I don't want to wash dishes at Souper Salad --- because a coach will never please everyone. To one group, the coach isn't tough others, he is too tough. For some, practice is a waste of others, the focus is wrong. What I want from a coach is a guy that has passion for the game.....knows the right way to play it.....and is fair. Too much to ask? I don't know, but we've never left a team because of the coach.....maybe that says something about being coachable. I'm rambling. Smile

allsportsmom -- welcome to the site. Feel free to vent whenever you think it will help. I'm sorry your situation seems "grim". Maybe you can turn it into a life-lesson for your son.

I hope things improve.

Last edited by Panther Dad
Hey PD,
Looks like PESH has a little salt to them this year!

perhaps get him to focus on the things he can control? We've had a few bumps in the road this year as well and that's what we're working on ("we're" includes me

Recently the freshman team was down by 6 or 7 runs in their last at bat. Our 1B coach doesn't go to 1B, instead he goes to the 1B dugout and leans up against the fence and has a friendly conversation with the opposing coaches. Doesn't even come over to the base when the lead-off runner gets on. HELLO? There's a game going on! He didn't bother to resume coaching until the 4th batter of the inning. By then his indifference had already cost the team an out. Could have used it too as they had a rally going.

I don't care what the score is, a coach disengaging from the game for a BS session is inexcusable.

Rant over. Smile
Thanks for the input. We have also had the head coach check out of the game, too. We were behind 3-1 in the third and when our team came into bat, coach told the catcher, he was in charge of the game. Head coach just sat in the dug out and did nothing!!! He wouldn't even coach bases!! This is my son's senior year and this is so not how we thought the year would be!! I don't won't to mess anything up with him for the rest of the season, but I'm sure as soon as he is graduated and coach can cause him no harm, there will be letters written and other actions taken on the part of the parents to help next years seniors. I don't want any other parent to go through what we are going through this year!! He has literally given up on the boys as a team!!!
sounds like a sad situation.

You need some of the players to take control of the team maybe the seniors need to take control of the team. After practice maybe they can stay and hit in the cages and make the other players stay as well. This could be a great lesson learned by the senior class. They could make this season a positive.

I believe that sitting around moping about a situation is not going to help. you need to take some kind of action to rectify this situation. You may want to conference with the coach.

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