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This recruiting process is new to my son and I so we continue to turn to this site for help - here is another question.

My son has been contacted by a range of schools, ie Division II, lower (baseball) profile Division I schools and high profile Div I schools (ACC, PAC 10, Big Ten).

I have given him your advice to fill out every questioneer and respond to all emails. The question is how do you respond to the "what are your top 3 schools" without possibly offending/eliminating the lower profile schools by writing in the names of the higher profile school which are more attractive to him on paper - this also applies to the question "who has contacted you.".

He has not gone to any Jr days because of basketball and all he has to go on is whats on the internet. He has no idea of what are his top three schools other than the "name brand" schools which could be stretch for a Northeast position player.

He has a summer filled with showcase type events (East Cobb, TOS etc), if he does well its a mute point, if he doesn't those lower profie schools become more attractive if they still want him.

I told him to write in "the best academic school who has the best baseball program" in answer to this question(school comes first). Does he have to put school names to this question?

On the same line, he has been asked to attend a practice of a very good D 1 program this weekend - we are going. If they ask him who has contacted him does his give the names of the high profile programs or stick to names in this schools division?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

NH Monty
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Other than they might want to know who the competition might be. But they probably already know anyway. Great advice by TR and Midlo. "Undecided" and then be honest and say who has contacted you. They will want to get a feel for what your interest is and who might be in competition for your son. Good luck at the practice. My son attended a couple and he enjoyed them.
Last edited by Coach May
The question is how do you respond to the "what are your top 3 schools" without possibly offending/eliminating the lower profile schools by writing in the names of the higher profile school which are more attractive to him on paper - this also applies to the question "who has contacted you.".

2 thoughts....

1. Many on this site stress honesty throughout the process. While very pc, it has some potential pitfalls depending on the info divulged

2. Sometimes showing some of your hand can work to your advantage. It can answer who is interested in you, who you are interested in, and also may intensify the degree of recruiting a school takes on toward you.
Last edited by rz1
It's a test only a test.

What type of schools you are looking at and what type of schools are looking at you.

If you have a small scope of schools, the coaches talk a lot anyway so they will know if you are truthful anyway.

Kind of funny, I was talking to a coach and he was saying that their recruiting coach gets excited when he know a recruit has interest in their school and is also getting genuine interest from a stronger school.
Originally posted by 1109:
i filled out at that one school was favored over another and when i went to the second of the too schools for a visit the coaches asked me multipe times why they were listed as second

Holly Cow! All is not lost!

Did you come back with "that is why I am here", so you can sell me on why you are the "top program"?

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