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Son has started getting questionnaires from colleges,he is a 15yr 09 sophomore.My question is that he missed his freshman year due to injury.On the questionnaire there seems to be parts to be filled out by his high school coach.The problem is that he hasn't yet played for for his high school team.Coach doesn't seem very approachable so due we just not fill them out,or wait untill after baseball tryouts.Thanks for any input.
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Don't stress - These questionaires are read by some graduate assistant who then inputs the info into their database, or at least a file with your son's name on it. They will not recruit him based on his high school freshman year stats! And (just my opinion) stay away from any mention of injury in these forms. Just fill out your part and send it back to begin the process. Then update it with a letter to the coach at the end of the high school season if he plays on the varsity. Hopefully by that time your coach will be "approachable" and will be glad to fill out subsequent forms.

WRONG !!!!!---Head and Assistant coaches read the questionnaires

As for talking about the injury why not do so?--better they know you did not play that season due to injury rather than them find it out later---they certainly will want to know why you did not play

Question: if the boy didnt play during the frosh year what has caused the colleges to begin contacting him?

Son has been to a couple camps (pitching) and has played in many tournaments, also plays in very competitive league. Most recent was Southern Maryland Camp,(very well run camp). Had quite a few coaches talk to son. Last day at camp son threw 83/84 consistant and topped at 86. Thats their gun reading not mine. As to the injury we have wondered what effect this will have with coaches. He had a stress fracture in lower spine last year but is now doing fine. Son can't wait for try outs to begin.
Just be honest about it. Tell them what the deal was. By all means fill it out and send it back. I told my son when you get a questionaire fill it out and send it right back I dont care who it is from. And TR is right the coaches read them and base alot of their recruiting plans on them. Obviously they are interested in gathering some more information on your son or they would not have sent it. Alot of times they are wanting to get contact information for a later date. And they may already know that he did not play last year. And they may already know that he was injured last year. I just believe that the best policy is to be honest and upfront. Isnt that what we want from them?
Coach May- excellent point.

I have gotten letters and questionnaires from schools I have never heard of from God only knows where. But I still filled them out and sent them back ASAP. One of my best friends (who just so happens to have a full scholarship to a Big East school, he's an '07 pitcher) told me the best thing he could have done was to send the questionnaire fully completed back the day you get it, to show the coach initiative even if you really don't care for their school too much. You never know what could happen to that school, look at George Mason basketball... Smile

Another piece of advice with questionnaires, try to make a copy of every one you send back and stash it away in a folder along with the letters, e-mails, etc. that you receive from coaches. After that, keep a log on the phone calls you receive, what time, and from who. That way, when/if you need to call the coach back, you'll know the best time to do so, and you can also see easily who expresses the most interest. Both these actions are a while away for you, bandits (Sept. for letters, next July for phone calls), but it's never too early to start to prepare. Time flies, and it creeps up on you fast. Plus, judging by the numbers you gave, your son will have no problem attracting attention.
Last edited by J H
HS coach gave them to son to fill out but let be known that his door and phone was always available.

Now my son is in his second round of filling out professional questionaires and tafter TJ surgery you can imagine the red flags. On those questionaires when previous injury data is requested he puts down the date of his surgery and then states "Medical records are available upon request". We scanned documents and put together a pdf file that has all the doctor notes and release dates. When a team requests that info a simple email with the attached file is sent. I think the same mentalty can be used when filling out college forms.

I feel there is a right to privacy concerning detailed information or medical records and unless requested they should not be handed out to every Tom, Dick, or Harry that wants your name. On the backside a follow up request for this info may indicate a school has a definite interest and your not just a name in a rolodex.
Last edited by rz1
Our HS coach has never filled out a college questionnaire or written a letter. (don't think he knows how!) We always got the summer coach, Legion coach to fill in all the questionnaires and write letters. In fact he did everything, called college coaches, wrote recommendations, made a video etc. etc. it worked. My advice about injuries, be completely honest.
Originally posted by mmac:
Our HS coach has never filled out a college questionnaire or written a letter. (don't think he knows how!) We always got the summer coach, Legion coach to fill in all the questionnaires and write letters. In fact he did everything, called college coaches, wrote recommendations, made a video etc. etc. it worked. My advice about injuries, be completely honest.

Complete opposite here.... HS coach wrote letters for other scholarship opportunities and fill out each and every questionnaire we gave him. He's very experienced and knowledgable of the process.

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