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Hi everyone - new to the board....Very helpful information being shared, for sure.... I have a question about offers, and am curious of everyone's experience and thoughts:

1)  Is it typical that an offer comes from a coach other than the head coach?

2)  If so, is it unusual for that to occur if the player has never talked to the head coach?


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We've seen both.  Had one offer presented from the RC over the phone when they knew it would be a while until we could get to their campus.  Another offer was from the RC immediately after we met with the HC.  2 others were delivered from the HC. 

Along those same lines, each offer was broken down differently too.  These are not actual #'s from the offers but examples.  Two schools broke their offers down by what was covered and not covered - tuition, books at 100% but no meals or housing for example.  One school gave a % that was covered - we'll pay 56% of everything.  One school gave a $ amount plus books - total cost of attendance is expected to be $25K and we are willing to give you $10,000 plus books.

Bottom line - every school handles it differently so ask questions to clarify.

Thanks, Free=Good.  Any concerns about the absence of the Head Coach from the process?  Aside from a brief handshake introduction, son has never spent meaningful time with Head Coach.  Coach offering is his position coach (but not the recruiting coordinator).  While school is very high on son's list, I'm inclined to suggest a final visit which includes a sit-down with the Head Coach before accepting an offer.  Is that an unusual request?

Strike3Looking posted:

Hi everyone - new to the board....Very helpful information being shared, for sure.... I have a question about offers, and am curious of everyone's experience and thoughts:

1)  Is it typical that an offer comes from a coach other than the head coach?

2)  If so, is it unusual for that to occur if the player has never talked to the head coach?


My son had received offers from both an RC/PC and HC so I don't think that is unusual.   However, if the offer is coming from the RC/PC I think it is fair request to meet with the HC and the RC at the same time to discuss an offer/acceptance.   We had a situation where one of the new RCs wasn't in synch with the HC on many of the offer details.   We had to spend some time "buttoning" that up.   

You want to have some face time with the HC.  He is the one with the budget, recommendation to Admissions, and making out the lineup card.   While your son will probably spend most of his time with his position coach, it never a bad idea to get to know the boss.

Good luck!

Son got a call from the RC/PC on a Friday....went to visit the following Tuesday.  Head Coach had had surgery that day and couldn't attend.  RC saw son throw again the next day and made offer over the phone the following morning.  Son accepted without ever meeting the HC.   Offer was $XXXX for tuition.....and you'll get $XXXX for academics....totaling $XXXX   Very simple offer and numbers ended up being exactly what we were told when official offer paperwork came.

Strike3Looking posted:

Hi everyone - new to the board....Very helpful information being shared, for sure.... I have a question about offers, and am curious of everyone's experience and thoughts:

1)  Is it typical that an offer comes from a coach other than the head coach?

2)  If so, is it unusual for that to occur if the player has never talked to the head coach?


Welcome to the site.

Just for clarification, it is the assistant coaches job to find players to present to the HC. If he isn't involved in the process, then he may not be involved much with the program.

Always remember that he is the one who fills out the line up card. I would always make sure a player meets or speaks to him before they committment is made.

fenwaysouth posted:
Strike3Looking posted:

Hi everyone - new to the board....Very helpful information being shared, for sure.... I have a question about offers, and am curious of everyone's experience and thoughts:

1)  Is it typical that an offer comes from a coach other than the head coach?

2)  If so, is it unusual for that to occur if the player has never talked to the head coach?


My son had received offers from both an RC/PC and HC so I don't think that is unusual.   However, if the offer is coming from the RC/PC I think it is fair request to meet with the HC and the RC at the same time to discuss an offer/acceptance.   We had a situation where one of the new RCs wasn't in synch with the HC on many of the offer details.   We had to spend some time "buttoning" that up.   

You want to have some face time with the HC.  He is the one with the budget, recommendation to Admissions, and making out the lineup card.   While your son will probably spend most of his time with his position coach, it never a bad idea to get to know the boss.

Good luck!

This, especially the bolded.  Additionally, highly recommended to hear first hand where you stand with the boss going in.

PS - Ha, typing same time, same message as TPM.

Last edited by cabbagedad

I would want to have my son meet the HC but as others have stated each program is run differently.  Do your research and find out what you are dealing with.  

Some big name programs have iconic head coaches that have handed day to day to one of his assistants.  It happens. 

In son’s case HC has lots of influence on pitching moves even though he would be a hitting guy. Can never have too much intel in this process IMO

Simple answer both.  However, I have found in the past that some pitching coaches have a little more leeway that other coaches on the staff when they see that prospect that stands out.  They tend to want to motivate parents and players to commit.  Notice I said parents because pitchers can get some outstanding offers other positions don't get.  

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