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Websters, is there anything you would like to ask Gotwood during my net-radio interview with him next week? If so, please post here or e-mail your question(s) to


"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Your questions are all so funny, I am also LOL.

But here are a couple of more serious questions:

1. While your son was going through the recruiting process in HS, how did he (and you as parents) narrow down the list of possible schools?

2. As parents we all hope that our sons will find a great college baseball situation where they will play, become a contributor on the field, and of course earn a degree! There are lots of things that can get in the way of that plan, including injury. Tell us about your son's injury, what that was like for him away at school, and you as parents worrying about him, and about his path toward recovery.


P.S. One more question ... how did you win such a cute, intelligent, and witty wife? Or did she win you?
Big Grin
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Your questions are all so funny, I am also LOL.

But here are a couple of more serious questions:

1. While your son was going through the recruiting process in HS, how did he (and you as parents) narrow down the list of possible schools?

2. As parents we all hope that our sons will find a great college baseball situation where they will play, become a contributor on the field, and of course earn a degree! There are lots of things that can get in the way of that plan, including injury. Tell us about your son's injury, what that was like for him away at school, and you as parents worrying about him, and about his path toward recovery.


P.S. One more question ... how did you win such a cute, intelligent, and witty wife? Or did she win you?
Big Grin

Good questions Julie!

My questions relate to the metaphysical aspects of gotwood4sale.

1) Do you believe in Karma?

2) Do you remember that you generated the original pun in the Karma thread and it was Karma Korn? followed up by JT with Karma Chameleon? Did you ever imagine the cult following or should I say Karma following that thread has taken?

3) Have you always been a punster and have you ever met anyone who can out-pun you?

4) All joking aside, do you ever wonder if people may get the wrong impression of you because of the way you employ humor in many of your posts?

5) What would you want people to know about you other than your keen wit for humor?
What would it take to get the Woodsman to speak of his own children? Inquiring minds want to know how the Great Forester manages his own seedlings.

Which one gets the decorations for Christmas?
Do they make the car smell nice?
Were they amused at the concept of square roots?
Are they afraid of termites and beetles?
Do you even bother picking splinters out?
Do you measure their height in board feet?
Does a bear poop in the living room?
What are their names? Douglas? Firnando? Maple? Mariposa?

How about the family pet? Dogwood? Sycamore?
Is his bark much worse than his bite?
Woody asked me to be his spokesman.

Originally posted by spizzlepop:
What would it take to get the Woodsman to speak of his own children? Typical kids, really. Their favorite game is pickup sticks, all but one wants to be a forester.. he favors Chinese Balet.

Which one gets the decorations for Christmas?Unfortunately, no Christmas trees for decorations. I've logged everything within a 50-mile radius.

Do they make the car smell nice? No car. Tractors only.

Were they amused at the concept of square roots? After I beat them with a stick, yes.

Are they afraid of termites and beetles?
No. They've all been killed by the illegal chemicals we have dumped from our crop duster.

Do you even bother picking splinters out? Only if it festers.

Do you measure their height in board feet?Haven't measured lately. They're tall enough with their wooden shoes on.

Does a bear poop in the living room? It's not like I'm inviting you over, anyway.

What are their names? Douglas? Firnando? Maple? Mariposa? No. Stanwood, Forrest, and Tiffany (that was a mistake).

How about the family pet? Dogwood? Sycamore?
Thing One and Thing Two.

Is his bark much worse than his bite?Thing One is a cat. Thing Two was run over by the tractor yesterday.
Last edited by Bum
Originally posted by Krakatoa:
Websters, is there anything you would like to ask Gotwood during my net-radio interview with him next week? If so, please post here or e-mail your question(s) to



I was going to protest since I was actually in Seoul recently and didn't get an invite to do an in studio interview. cry

However, I can't let such a fun topic slide without comment...

1) During your self imposed sabatical, who suffered the most, you or Mrs. Wood?

2) If legislation passes banning metal bats, how much will wood bats cost?

3) What type of tree does woodrow decorate at Christmas?

4) Do the little Woodette softballers swing wood?

5) Has Mrs. Wood ever threatened to put you through a debarking machine for not taking out the garbage or leaving the toilet seat up?
Originally posted by emeraldvlly:
Dear Woody,
Why can't a woodchuck chuck wood? And why don't we have any in Oregon?
Emerald Valley

These questions were discussed last Monday on Krak's 'Dateline Korea' online radio show..."the show with Seoul!"

I said I would answer them so I will...


The woodchuck (Marmota monax, Fig. 1), is a member of the 'just a little squirrely' family. It is also known as the "ground hog", "whistle pig" or, in the case of the Stamper family down along the Siletz River, simply "Uncle Joe". It is closely related to other species of North American marmots and politicians of every stripe. It is usually grizzled brownish gray, but white (albino) and black (melanistic) individuals can occasionally be found carousing around well after dark when they should really be back in their burrow getting some shut eye. The woodchuck’s compact, chunky body is emulated by many and is supported by short strong legs. Its forefeet have long, curved claws that are well adapted for digging dirt on others. Its tail is short, well furred, and follows it around.

Both sexes are similar in appearance, but the male is noticeably henpecked, distinguishing him from the female. They weigh an average of 5 to 10 pounds, slightly more following each major holiday. The total length of the head and body averages 16 to 20 inches, some with a highly desired 'projectable' body. The tail is usually 4 to 7 inches long and, as stated earlier, follows it around. Like other rodents, woodchucks have white or yellowish-white, chisel-like incisor teeth and are not afraid to flash a toothy grin in the direction of another woodchuck of the opposite s-e-x in hopes of attracting some attention. Their eyes, ears, and nose are located toward the top of their head, which allows them to remain concealed in their burrows while they check for danger over the rim or edge. Although they are slow runners, woodchucks are alert and scurry quickly to their dens when they sense danger. This is particularly true of the males when they sense a pecking hen in their vicinity.

Range of woodchuck in North America

Woodchucks exist throughout eastern and central Alaska, British Columbia, and most of southern Canada, eh? Their range in the United States extends throughout the East (poor things), northern Idaho, northeastern North Dakota, southeastern Nebraska, eastern Kansas, and northeastern Oklahoma OK!, as well as south to Virginia and northern Alabama (Fig. 2). They can not be found in Emerald Valley. Who knew?


In general, woodchucks prefer open farmland and the surrounding wooded or brushy areas adjacent to open land. The "Whistle Pigs" prefer to live under the tables and benches at the fast-food franchises near railroad depots and commuter railroad stations in cities and suburbs. The "Whistle Pigs" will fiercely defend their fast-food encampments. The lack of any seagulls at these locations is evidence of their tenacity. For the rest of the woodchucks burrows commonly are located in fields and pastures, along fence rows, stone walls, roadsides, and near building foundations or the bases of trees. Burrows are almost always found in or near open, grassy meadows or fields. Woodchuck burrows are distinguished by a large mound of excavated earth at the main entrance with their dinner plate being exactly sixty feet and six inches from the top of their mound. Don't ask. That's just the way it is.

Food Habits

Woodchucks prefer to feed in the early morning and evening hours. The "Whistle Pigs", as you might imagine, pretty much eat constantly during the time that the fast-food franchise in their vicinity is open for business and their customers feel moved to "feed those cute, fat Whistle Pigs". The "Whistle Pigs" are omnivores and will eat anything put in front of them. Remarkably, they will even eat the McRib when it appears every so often on the menu. The rest of the woodchucks are strict herbivores and feed on a variety of vegetables, grasses, and legumes...boring! Preferred foods include soybeans, beans, peas, carrot tops, alfalfa, clover, and grasses...but no wood. They all tried it once, but none of them liked they chucked it!
I hope that sufficiently answered your questions emeraldvlly.
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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