I would ask you to consider the flip side of your description of an easily rattled, pressure allergic high school team that can't turn a 1-6-3 and whose catcher can't be trusted not to have a passed ball with a runner on third.
It seems to me you just made an eloquent argument in favor of Option A because it puts MORE pressure on the suspect defense.
Why should we believe a pitcher-catcher tandem that can't be trusted to execute a clean pitch would be able to execute a throw-catch-tag play on a runner who had a good lead, a good secondary, and broke hard the moment the batted ball showed a ground ball trajectory? That pitcher who you think can't be trusted to wheel and throw accurately to second base, now has to react to the sudden realization that he has a choice to make, change his plan, reset his feet, and make a good throw to the catcher who you think is prone to passed balls. The catcher has to get properly positioned, receive the ball, and make the tag on a runner, who, by doing his job right, has created a bang-bang play. Make them execute.
Very valid point. It just seems to me the 1-2 tag out is such a simple play. The P will have plenty of time, where as the 1-6-3 is a little more rare and he might feel rushed and airmail it.Either way makes sense to me. Personal preference.