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Son play's D2 and was pitching inter-squad game last Sunday and took a line drive off the (current college bats)right between the eye's. There was no reaction time to try to knock the ball down. He was lucky the ball caught a piece of the hatbill. It broke a 3 inch piece of the hat. He walked away with a (concussion, broke nose, 11 stiches, and two black eyes )and will miss about 3 weeks. After seeing this, I think changing to the new bat's will be the best thing for the safety of all the player's. (I hope their new bat's come in soon) I know this could happen with any bat, but their should be a diffrence in the reaction time for the pitchers and infilders.
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I'm not sure why your son's school doesn't have the new bats yet. I've talked to a number of my former players who are playing college ball here on the west coast, and they've all got the new bats.

The pitchers really like them, they say they're a lot like pitching to wood bats. They say the ball still really jumps when you hit it right on the sweet spot (which is about like a wood bat's) but when you mis-hit it, the ball comes off much like it does with a mis-hit using wood.
manshine, I am sorry to hear your son got hurt, hope he has a speedy and full recovery, both physically and mentally.

There is always going to be the possibility of the pitcher not going to defend himself against the come backer. Look at Cliff Lee and Tim Lincecum in game one of the World Series, Lincecum I think was hit twice and Cliff Lee had a come backer that was pass him and going into center field before he even reacted.

My son's D2 college team had been using wood bats up to this week, they had not hit any home runs up to that point. I heard they broke out the metal bats and just this week, they hit 14 home runs in 3 inter-squads.
Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
I'm not sure why your son's school doesn't have the new bats yet.

There are quite a few schools who didn't/don't have the new bats for fall. I'm not sure of the reason, other than these schools typically get their new equipment mid/late winter.

Manshine, I wish your son the very best. That being said, I'm not sure the new bats would have influenced the outcome one iota. To be hit like that means that the player hit the ball pretty square. By all accounts, that same ball could come off the new bats in exactly the same manner with the same lack of reaction time if caught on the sweet spot.
Last edited by CPLZ

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