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For the record kid is 2016 grad

Regarding initial emails stating "you have been noticed and viewed by our coaching staff"

To better gauge their interest. 

Should kid contact the coach? 

Seems to me if they were truly interested they would contact him directly.

Or are they testing his interest in them, by wanting him to contact them?

For lack of a better term, is this part of the game?

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this is how it worked for us - doesn't mean that is the case for you..


We got a dime a dozen of such communications from schools/coaches.  Try to find a way that determines if it is legit or not.  When it was a school that my son was really interested in - he would follow-up with an email to them/asking where they had seen him...or something that would require a reply.   If they replied with a personal note (and in many cases they would cite a specific game/play)  we knew it was legit/perhaps a lukewarm interest/on the list, etc.


However our rule of thumb was when a school was REALLY interested - there was a phone call with a coach.  (typically they would ask our travel coach to have son call them at X time, etc.)  These we considered hot leads.


In our mind we were only being recruited when there was an actual conversation.


But again...everyone is different.  Good luck

Agreed with BBallfan. My 2016 committed about a month ago.  Prior to he was pursued by a couple of schools where I would say he was "recruited".  Both of those schools asked that he call them through his travel contacts.  That was how it all really started.


All the rest of it was just noise.  Camp invites, mass email, etc.  


That is not to say don't reach out to schools he is interested in, he most definitely should, but you will know when he is being recruited IMO. 

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