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Truly a thought provoking article. I believe the real losers in this are the players that stayed clean and thus put themselves at a competitive disadvantage and the young boys that put their health at risk because they felt that they had to take to compete. Very sad. The players that took, I have no sympathy for.

I also hope someone can come up with an easily administered quality test for HGH. They need to close that loop hole and if they do, I personally believe you will see those NFL linemen drop about 40-70 pounds.
I also hope someone can come up with an easily administered quality test for HGH. They need to close that loop hole and if they do, I personally believe you will see those NFL linemen drop about 40-70 pounds.
It's not easy. When they do have the test there will be new undetectable PED's. I hate to sound pessimistic but this is the way it is. Success will come not when the science changes, but when the culture/mindset changes.
i'm not sure you /we /them ,will or can stop this ped thing. sure they'll spend whatever to get a urine test or any test for hgh. and there will be some scientist that will comeup with a better undetectable ped.
when you really take a story like this and really read it,there is no bottom to this .and i'm sure thses kids don't consider this cheating it's a means to an end,and not the one they wanted. very sad.

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