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Whenever there are posts / comments that are made on here that criticize other coaches I tend to give the coach the benefit of the doubt and take up for them. I know things have happened to me in the past that people made up to criticize me because I wouldn't play politics, sat Little Johnny after his 23rd error, etc.... I know that we are only getting half the story when people make their post and when I write back I try to defend what they are doing because I know how it feels to get hammered for nothing.

Anyway - last night before our game I saw something that disappointed me. The other team was taking BP before the game on our field and I was watching intently because I'm new to this area and don't know the kids and want to see who's got a clue and who doesn't. So this guy is throwing BP and he throws about 10 pitches to the first kid and about 4 of them are hittable - I'm not talking about grooved BP pitches, I'm saying about 4 of them were ones that the kid could get his bat on solidly. Well he hits the four pretty solid for what they were but the coach got mad at the kid because he wouldn't swing the bat at the other 6 pitches.

He was about 35 - 40 feet away from the hitter and he BOUNCED a pitch to him (he actually had several through the whole BP session). I could understand if it was a hit / run to force them to swing but it was just a groove pitch.

Then during the game their outfield had about 3 errors that led to us scoring several runs. So the coach calls timeout and gets the IF together and yells at them "for not being ready and focused". Now if he would have pulled the OF in and gave the speech then I probably wouldn't have thought anything of it but he yelled at the IF for the OF mistakes.

Another part of the game we have first and third with one out. Our four hitter comes up and they walk him to load the bases. Their pitcher had already threw several pitches in the dirt that the catcher didn't handle previously in the game. I really don't know if you can say the strategy worked because the 5 hitter got out but the pitcher / catcher allowed two balls to get to the backstop so two runs scored.

Maybe I've just been oblivious to what other teams were doing and last night I had a revelation but I don't think I have seen things that bad. Maybe they were having a bad day. I have no idea but I was embarassed for the players. I have played teams that shouldn't have been on the field but that was due to just not having any talent. These guys could have been pretty good if someone would work with them.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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We talk about players watching the game outside the lines and getting better as a result. I think "good" coaches do the same. While coaches can only control what is within their "box", they can always learn from the others examples. You say you were were "disappointed", which is true, but, did you learn anything from those mistakes? I think you did.

Sometimes the world disappoints us but what is more important are the lessons learned from observing those mistakes, and the resulting actions we take to improve what we can control. IMHO
Last edited by rz1

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