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The battle goes wild thread got me off on this topic........

For just about every reason the exact opposite is true. So what are you to do?

ex. Coach bunts too much
Coach does not bunt enough

Coach conditions too much.
Coach does not condition enough.

Coach leaves pitchers in too long.
Coach takes pitchers out too early.

etc., etc., etc.
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Coach has a Fall Ball program and requires kids to play -
Coach doesn't have a Fall Ball program that requires kids to play

Coach micromanages the game and doesn't let the kids just play
Coach just lets the kids play

Coach takes kids to an Easter Tournament over family vacation time
Coach doesn't take kids to an Easter Tournament because of family vacation time

Coach has a lot of fundraisers that require family participation
Coach doesn't have a lot of fundraisers that require family participation
Coach is suspected of "inappropriate behavior" with underaged female student(s) and asked to resign. Not charged because only expectations are involved, nothing provible. After landing at a new school, does the exact same thing and this time gets caught and jailed. Female students at former school then begin to come forward and lead to additional charges.
Originally posted by jaxnbulldog:
Coach is suspected of "inappropriate behavior" with underaged female student(s) and asked to resign. Not charged because only expectations are involved, nothing provible. After landing at a new school, does the exact same thing and this time gets caught and jailed. Female students at former school then begin to come forward and lead to additional charges. about a conversation killer.
lol.....06catcherdad, you got that right in many cases.

Let's pretend we have a coach ('cause you never know when big brother is watching). He asked the school to make some improvements to their field. The school said it would be cost prohibitive to make those improvement. So, he and the playes and their dads decided to go out and fix some things on their own without using school money. The coach then was told by the supt. of schools that the coach was not to make any further improvements without the supt's prior appoval. The reason for this was that it made the supt. look bad in the community when the coach went out and did the work himself.

Anyway, maybe he had a change of heart, because now he has said that the school will pay for the materials. All is well that ends well.
Last edited by d8
OK, what if he agreed to the project, in fact asked for it, and once the money was raised, used it for entirely different purposes, that nobody was told the money would by used for, after they'd raised it?

In other words, is it ok to get the boosters to engage in a major fundraiser in the belieft that they are working toward a specific goal, and then go off and use the money for something else entirely, that they never knew about or would have done the work on, if they'd known how it was going to be spent?
OK, what if he agreed to the project, in fact asked for it, and once the money was raised, used it for entirely different purposes, that nobody was told the money would by used for, after they'd raised it?

Why does he have to agree to anything? so the boosters tell him what they want and he agrees? What if they want something and he says no?

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