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Son #3 loves to play baseball for fun. He is 13 years old. His recreational team was thrown together at the last minute, and a head coach from another association is coaching the team. The head coach brought his 4 players, asst coaches. They combined with our 8 players to make this team. We find out about first practice from the association director. He points us the online season practice schedule.

First practice....6-8 parents and 6 players mulling around before the first practice. The head coach walks by everyone, and go down to the dugout with a bucket of balls. He calls the players down to the field and they start practice. We figure out who he is, and I thought it was strange he did not introduce himself to the parents or the players when he had the front of everyone. Practice ends. Again, no talk to players or parents about expectations, uniforms, games, next practice.....nothing.

First game....We had our first game last Friday night. Again no communication after the game, no email, phone calls about anything to anyone. I've coached for 12 years including rec and very competitive travel. I know what it takes to run a team and organization. I have not seen anything like this, and don't know what to make of it. I don't want to be that ex-coach guy that tells him he is doing this all wrong, but some base level of human communication and etiquette would be a start such as name, experience, telephone number and how he is going to reach us for changes/cancellations. Am I out of line in expecting some level of communication from the head coach?

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

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Wow! I agree that this is not a good situation. I would probably try to call the guy and ask some questions and gently suggest he initiate some form of communication with the parents...Please don't take this the wrong way, but this could have been avoided if you would have checked out the coach and his plans for this team (rec level or not) prior to just signing him for this "thrown together at the last minute team" in advance.
How likely is it this guy is being forced to coach this team and he doesn't want to be out there?

While this guy is obviously not making any friends is it really the end of the world? I understand where you are coming from in terms of changes and cancellations but maybe he's got something worked out with the league director that he will notify everyone of changes.

Do you feel you are getting your money's worth out of this guy? Is he running a good practice and does a good job in games? If the answer is yes then maybe it is what it is. Treat it as a learning experience for your son on how NOT to run a team in case your son ever goes on to coach a youth league team.
Fenway South:

Maybe the coach prefers not to speak with parents. I know lots of good coaches with that point of view. As far as notification of schedule changes, perhaps he intends to tell the players. And, perhaps, parents who want to speak with him can introduce themselves.

Or maybe it is all just a messed up situation. I'd be interested in hearing how it works out.

By the way, I used to live in Smoketree in Midlothian. Have not been back in awhile, but what a great area in so many ways. Good luck.

Maybe this coach's real job is a corporate communications officer?

And maybe he ordered a shipping container of these (Made in People's Republic of China)...

He probably has too many and he's trying to use them up. And it's likely he hasn't the time to fill them in.

No doubt he's a tough guy to figure's anyone's guess what he's thinking.

No penny for his thought...not worth it!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
If i was in your shoes I'd just ask him if he would like someone to be the 'team secretary' or 'general manager' and keep all the parents informed of details to help the flow of communication. I'd keep it real positive and tell him that my boy is enjoying being on the team.
The GM could post messages or text and everyone would get a little communication.
good luck; I'm glad your kid found a team. Many kids who want to play some rec ball simply cannot find a team.

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