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Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by jacetheace:
I know how MOST are. Talk to me to see if it's worth it. If not ...shutup


What a great addition to our community! (Please read with lots of sarcasm)

1. The orignial post wasn't directed at you. This is obviously a kid who has no help on a local level and was looking for ideas. That is what this board is for.
2. You call some HS pitchers schmoes. Classy.
3. You tell someone else to shut up in a public forum. Super classy.

I think that is called strike 3. Not a very good way for you to come to this board and try to drive traffic by spamming your website addy every chance you get. Try paying for your advertising.

You are totally taking things way out of context. I am only responding to people who do not take the advise the right way. I'll be a little more careful on my word choice for you Redbird. I see all the class that you present. I'll try to be more like you
Originally posted by jacetheace:
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by jacetheace:
I know how MOST are. Talk to me to see if it's worth it. If not ...shutup


What a great addition to our community! (Please read with lots of sarcasm)

1. The orignial post wasn't directed at you. This is obviously a kid who has no help on a local level and was looking for ideas. That is what this board is for.
2. You call some HS pitchers schmoes. Classy.
3. You tell someone else to shut up in a public forum. Super classy.

I think that is called strike 3. Not a very good way for you to come to this board and try to drive traffic by spamming your website addy every chance you get. Try paying for your advertising.

You are totally taking things way out of context. I am only responding to people who do not take the advise the right way. I'll be a little more careful on my word choice for you Redbird. I see all the class that you present. I'll try to be more like you

hahaha..Way to show your true colors, pal. Nothing was "out of context" as I started in the beginning of this thread. Please show me where either 1, 2 or 3 were "out of context".

You did surprise me, though. You didn't spam your website in the last post.
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by jacetheace:
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by jacetheace:
I know how MOST are. Talk to me to see if it's worth it. If not ...shutup


What a great addition to our community! (Please read with lots of sarcasm)

1. The orignial post wasn't directed at you. This is obviously a kid who has no help on a local level and was looking for ideas. That is what this board is for.
2. You call some HS pitchers schmoes. Classy.
3. You tell someone else to shut up in a public forum. Super classy.

I think that is called strike 3. Not a very good way for you to come to this board and try to drive traffic by spamming your website addy every chance you get. Try paying for your advertising.

You are totally taking things way out of context. I am only responding to people who do not take the advise the right way. I'll be a little more careful on my word choice for you Redbird. I see all the class that you present. I'll try to be more like you

hahaha..Way to show your true colors, pal. Nothing was "out of context" as I started in the beginning of this thread. Please show me where either 1, 2 or 3 were "out of context".

You did surprise me, though. You didn't spam your website in the last post.

You have to go back to read the original post that I responded to to see that you ARE taking this out of context. All I am doing is making a strong statement that many kids are being missinformed and are not taking the right approach...leave it alone
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
right now I don't take any pain medicine

The asprin is not for pain. It is a blood thinner and anti infamatory. Icing and an asprin reduce the swelling that occures and increases blood flow reducing lactic acid.

There are many other and better ways to reduce swelling and lactic acid besides drugs. Drugs can add to acidity also so be carefull and try natural anti- inflamitories...there are dozens
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Asprins are natural substances. A baby asprin is hardly drugs.

Asprin is not natural, it's man made. Natural means you can pick it from a tree, vine, garden etc.
Asprin may not be the worst thing in the world but I just would not get in the habit of depending on it for recovery. There are better ways.
Well first off, look at how much sugar you are taking in (and other foods that cause inflamation and eliminate them)on a daily basis especially the processed sugar or high fructose corn surup. Large amounts will absolutely destroy recovery.
Then look at eating large quantities of dark green plants. These are the best for anti-inflam. There are others including omega fats
See this site:
There are plenty of other good sites that talk about natural anti-inflam
Originally posted by jacetheace:
There are many other and better ways to reduce swelling and lactic acid besides drugs.

Your science on lactic acid is out of date (which makes everything you say suspect in my view).

Recent research suggests that lactic acid is a good thing, not a bad thing; that it is necessary to the proper functioning of muscles.

As a result, there's no need to flush lactic acid out of the system.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Share them with LHP2.
Asprin is made of natural substances and is doctor prescribed to millions of people. Saves many lives. I have taken one every morning and no problems ever.

My doctor prescribed Butezolodine (sp?)(We called it "Bute") as an anti inflam when I was pitching. Have you heard what they have found out about that in the past 10 years? It's no longet available because of all the harm it caused.
I'm saying don't always think that just because a Dr. prescribes the med means that it is good or safe.
Gotta call you out on milk also. Cow's milk is one of the things you will want to stay away from for recovery. It's very acidic. Drink fluids that are alkaline or PH of around 7.35
Asprin does have benefits but it has negative effects also just like milk does.
Did you read the info on the site I gave?
Google "acidic foods" or "athletic recovery foods"
Gotta call you out on milk also. Cow's milk is one of the things you will want to stay away from for recovery. It's very acidic.

That is what I was saying.

The magnetic scam has been and gone. Well researched and proven to have 0 benefits. Know lots of people who lost their shirts in that one. They do have lots of magnetic shoe inserts and other items in the closet in the basement.
Originally posted by thepainguy:
Originally posted by jacetheace:
There are many other and better ways to reduce swelling and lactic acid besides drugs.

Your science on lactic acid is out of date (which makes everything you say suspect in my view).

Recent research suggests that lactic acid is a good thing, not a bad thing; that it is necessary to the proper functioning of muscles.

As a result, there's no need to flush lactic acid
out of the system.

Lactic acid and acidic foods are not the same. Lactic acid is good for the use of ATP energy but when there is an too much of it left too long in the arm it slows recovery and worse yet will damage cells. Do more research.
Furthermore, lactic acid messes with the neuromuscular patterns of pitching a baseball

The formation of neuromuscular patterns is inhibited by increases in acidity of the supporting physiological environment. Thus, when lactic acid accrues because of physical fatigue, the potential for learning is reduced.

Each skill trial (pitching) lays down catecholamines at the nerve synapses in the evoked neuromuscular pattern. On the next trial, nerve impulses find it easier to follow the "chemical trail" than wehn there was none. That is why specific skill warm-ups and mental imagery work. The invoke the appropriate chemical pattern of a movement and make it easier to perform the skill reliability.
However, if each skill trail is varied, then catecholamines are laid down in several patterns, in time, the body becomees confused as to which neuromuscular pattern should be invoked because there are so many possible pathways to be followed. When that "neural fatigue (confusion)" occurs, it is best to cease practicing the skill. However, once a skill is learned and performed well, it should be practiced in non-fatigued and fatigued conditions.

And I'm suprised no one has screamed "off topic" yet, it seemed to happen in that other pitching thread a lot
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Gotta call you out on milk also. Cow's milk is one of the things you will want to stay away from for recovery. It's very acidic.

That is what I was saying.

The magnetic scam has been and gone. Well researched and proven to have 0 benefits. Know lots of people who lost their shirts in that one. They do have lots of magnetic shoe inserts and other items in the closet in the basement.

You are just flat wrong on that
Originally posted by TRhit:

your means of advertsing and dispensing info is questionable at best---by the way I deleted your ad/email to me---no substance and you have convinced me of that with your subsequent posts

By the way are you aware thet "bute" is used on race horses?

TR....Good I prefer not to deal with people like you. Glad that you won't be hearing from me. Stay in your box and don't come out.
Originally posted by XFactor:
Furthermore, lactic acid messes with the neuromuscular patterns of pitching a baseball

The formation of neuromuscular patterns is inhibited by increases in acidity of the supporting physiological environment. Thus, when lactic acid accrues because of physical fatigue, the potential for learning is reduced.

Each skill trial (pitching) lays down catecholamines at the nerve synapses in the evoked neuromuscular pattern. On the next trial, nerve impulses find it easier to follow the "chemical trail" than wehn there was none. That is why specific skill warm-ups and mental imagery work. The invoke the appropriate chemical pattern of a movement and make it easier to perform the skill reliability.
However, if each skill trail is varied, then catecholamines are laid down in several patterns, in time, the body becomees confused as to which neuromuscular pattern should be invoked because there are so many possible pathways to be followed. When that "neural fatigue (confusion)" occurs, it is best to cease practicing the skill. However, once a skill is learned and performed well, it should be practiced in non-fatigued and fatigued conditions.

And I'm suprised no one has screamed "off topic" yet, it seemed to happen in that other pitching thread a lot

Great info! Good to see people on hear that spread good info rather than bash and argue. This is a great topic that needs to be explored even further. We are learning a lot in this area and have learned what the ideal body chemistry should be for a pitcher's recovery. For those who think this is a bunch of are making mistakes and not helping kids. Better info, new science in this day and age is important. We must look forward and get away from old myth and rely more on real science.
You are just flat wrong on that

Posts: 37 | Loc

I watched a expose on the mahnet craze that swept thoung Ontario about 4-5 years ago. I also know friends who invested large sums of money in that craze. I had them talk me into looking at it myself and trying their products.
The expose revealed that their was no good or bad effect from using these magnetic products. All my friends have dropped the dream of getting rich on these items and several lost a lot of money. Believe what you like but it came and went just like all the other scams.
This study may have not been done properly. A lot of studies don't have validity.
I don't care about the money part, I'm in it for the value to pitchers. I've seen it work and have heard many strong stories about how it works. Some of the value may be placebo effect but there is some science behind it. When you go to therapy for an injury, what's one of the first things they do.....Electronic Stimulation.
Magnetics has to do with electricity. We are creatures of electricity so it makes logical sense also. It may have been a "craze" in Ontario, but around the world it is very well used and becoming more and more recognized by rehab experts.
placebo effect

You have been reading the brochures.
I'll trust the research and the magnetics scam has gone south along with the money.
The body does have magnetic fields and electro neuron activity but that has nothing to do with magnets. Did you ever think that electro magnetics may infere with the normal electro neuron activity and that electro magnetic fields caused by hydro bases with strong fields are linked to cancer. It is surprising a guy who calls baby asprin a med is toying with his body eloctro fields.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
First of all I have no problem with magnets as the report said there was not effect at all good or bad.
My cave is quite nice and we have all the ammenities like indoor plumbing etc. I just hope you didn't invest in that scam.
Magnets are used in medicine but I have yet to see it used in the way you are using them. There was actually a doctor involved in the scam. He wasn't much of a doc and an even worse investor. I have seen a couple people quite their jobs to sell these things and they lost a lot of money.
I've seen people loose money in many ways. I did not invest cause at the time I did not see any real science and did not see them work. That was years ago. Scince then I have seen them work. I wish I could explain more but I'm not that smart. All I know is if it works....use it, or if it can't hurt...try it. I'm not however much into the snake-oil gadget stuff though so I hear what you are saying.
Recovery starts from the inside...meaning cellular chemistry. That has made an absolute huge difference in pitcher's health.
If you want to talk about gadgets and outside you know about hyperbaric chambers? Did you know that many major league pitchers including Smoltz uses them? Many NFL teams also use them.
I understand the "cave" thing're canadian!!! just
hyperbaric chambers?

Yes I do know. Diabetics can save their limbs by using them. many diabetics who are having circulation problems have saved legs etc by using them.
It thins the blood like asprins and increases blood flow to the extrmities. Used by deep sea divers and many athletes but not everyone has pne parked in the garage. YUP we have a garage too.
Proper food and exercise will build your health from inside.
The mag thing is not harmfull health wise as far as the report stated. Our goverment has this thing about protecting its citizens from bogus claims and that is why they investigated it.
I have tried them as prompted by friends and clients and it had no affect. They gave my wife and I several items to try and as I said NADA.
Ya know I have had people tell me it did nothing also but there are more that have noticed a huge difference. For some reason it only works with certain people.
Far Infra red saunas are also the new "in" thing. I have tried that too. Seems legit from what I have seen and read about.
A good friend of mine has an autistic son who is taking hyperbaric therapy and it has does miraculous things.
I guess the point is is that the future in health and recovery is reaching us. Like anything else...we have to weed out the BS.
I would look into magnetics a little more. You may find different results.
Hyperbarics oxyginate the blood primarily, thinning it?...that may be true but the real results come the oxygination effect
Good talking to you this way....keep in touch

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