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I have been recruited by a couple of schools throughout the summer, and a month ago,  the 3 colleges I was most interested in asked for all my academic info so they could take it to admissions and get a pre-read. I haven't heard back from any of the coaches, they just stopped contacting me, I emailed them a week and a half later asking how it went, and then followed up a week after that. I even emailed the assistant coaches and haven't heard from them. I've tried calling a couple times for each school. Any ideas why this would be? Is there any weird recruiting rule that says they can't contact me?

thank you in advance
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You need to look at your grades in relation to the schools contacting you. It sounds like your a middle of the road student. If these schools are more select in their admissions then you may not be a fit. the first thing a college coach cares about is your grades. If they are marginal for the school you are looking at they may move on. You guidance counselor at your school should be able to help you figure out if you should be looking at these schools. Remember this is an academic decision first and a baseball decision second. 

In D1 baseball, there is a limit of 7 total contacts and evaluations made to a prospective student athlete, Evaluations made outside of the academic year don't count.  During the senior year there is limit of 3 contacts.  Bear in mind that a contact is defined as an off-campus in-person meeting between recruit and coach.  There is no limit to phone calls or emails.


In D2/D3, there are no limits to contacts during the senior year.

Keep in mind that fall baseball is going on right now.  It's a VERY, VERY busy time for coaches right now.  I would give it a couple most schools will finish up fall practices/scrimmages by the middle/end of October.  Coaches have a lot of time on their hands in November/December.  If they're'll hear from them

IF your academic career is even a little but more important to you than your baseball career, AND there is a school that you really want to go to AND it's a good fit academically AND there is reasonably good evidence to indicate that early decision applicants are given priority in the admission process, then I would go for it.  Assuming the ED deadline is 11/1 or 11/15 you still have plenty of time. And if it's a D3 you may have a good opportunity to compete for a spot on the baseball team if you get in.   But if your baseball career is more important, I'd hang back and look at other schools in other levels of play or JUCOs.

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